
An extensive pre-works programme to promote and revitalise the Schluechthaus has been launched. The aim is to test out the ideas garnered during the civic outreach process as to the site's future. Before construction work begins, a series of one-time events – including cultural, sports and intergenerational activities – will be put on at the Old Slaughterhouse.

Upcoming events at the Schluechthaus

  • Friday, 28 June to Sunday, 30 June 2024: Transition Days
  • Saturday, 6 July 2024: Creative workshops

More information will be made available here in due course.

Transition Days

From 28 to 30 June 2024, the City of Luxembourg and the non-profit organisation CELL – Citizens for Ecological Learning and Living – will be hosting a festival on the theme of transition at the Old Slaughterhouse in Hollerich. "TransitionDays", made possible thanks to a host of partners, focuses on the message that local action has the potential to effect social change. The event will feature workshops, training sessions, exhibitions, discussions and informal gatherings where people can explore their shared vision.

Friday, 28 June (12:00–22:00)

The program will kick off at 12:00 (noon) with a lunchtime debate organised by the European Climate Pact of Luxembourg on how to communicate the urgency of climate action online, and will provide an opportunity for media representatives to deepen their knowledge of the subject. This will be followed by workshops on energy consumption, cooperatives as an alternative business model and tools that seek to promote environmental, social and economic initiatives. In the evening, the inaugural lecture, titled "Where do we go from here?", will address major social problems and how struggles on different fronts are interlinked, suggesting courses of action aimed at building a fairer future. Attendees can then do good while having fun and connecting with others: as part of the the disco soup activity, enjoy musical entertainment as you cook a healthy, tasty soup from wonky and surplus vegetables. There will be musical performances as a mural on transition is painted by graffiti artist YELLOW.

Performances by: Gustavo Morales, Pachamama Family

Saturday, 29 June (10:00–22:00)

The day will be jam packed, with a broad range of activities: a repair café; creative, hands-on workshops on different topics including transition in Luxembourg; exhibitions and screenings; a roundtable discussion on social cohesion; workshops on efficient energy use; a tasting of Luxembourgish wines; the Plantslator, which immerses visitors in the plant world through sounds and electric signals produced by plants; an escape game and board games; dance and yoga classes; arts and crafts workshops for children and much more.

Performances by: Jeska Onderwater, DJ Hózhóní, Don piano, Plemm Plemm Sound System

Sunday, 30 June (10:00–16:00)

The final day of the festival will begin with an anti-waste brunch. After the brunch, there will be creative, hands-on workshops on themes connected to transition, a performance by activist choirs from the Greater Region, a workshop on fear, and the closing lecture, in which Dr Asmae Ourkiya will discuss social justice.

Performances by: Wild Fox Zen, Gebees Houeren

Free admission!

Create at Schluechthaus

Florence Hoffmann, Pascale Behrens et Séverine Peiffer vous proposent des cours sur la gravure, le collage, l’impression et différentes techniques photographiques, comme le cyano-type, le sténopé et le lumen print. Entreprenez un voyage créatif à travers différents ateliers pour créer des autoportraits et images uniques en combinant différentes techniques.

Laissez libre cours à votre créativité avec des outils très simples et découvrez des nouvelles techniques. Venez passer un moment convivial et apprenez à créer de belles images sériées ainsi que des photos uniques sans avoir besoin d'un appareil photo, ni de presses spéciales.

Repair Café at Schluechthaus

As part of its efforts to combat climate change, the City regularly organises Repair Café events.

Anyone can come down and take part in repair workshops where volunteer repairers give people's treasured possessions – clothing, small electrical devices, children's bikes, scooters,toys, jewellery, etc. – a new lease on life.

If you have any questions, please contact our environmental officer Nicole Isaac: Tel.: 4796-4772, or email:

Meet at Schluechthaus

A wide range of cultural, sports and recreational activities for all ages and interests.

  • Beginner skateboarding workshops 
  • Graffiti workshop
  • Screening of graffiti videos by artist Melting Pol 
  • Live music and street theatre
  • Book nook with reading corner by Cité Bibliothèque 

Poetry Slam at Schluechthaus

At a workshop organised by Géisskan Kollektiv, participants are shown how to use rhyme and rhythm to express themselves. No prior knowledge is required. The workshop is followed by a poetry slam.

Urban Sports at Schluechthaus

Weekend of 25 & 26 May 2024

Urban sports will be the name of the game at the Old Slaughterhouse in Hollerich this weekend. The City will be offering introductory sessions to parkour, BMX, inline skating and skateboarding.

  • Parkour
  • BMX
  • Inline skating
  • Skateboarding

Piano at Schluechthaus

Come enjoy the musical talent of the QuattroPole city network at the Old Slaughterhouse in Hollerich. In anticipation of this year's My Urban Piano, ensembles from the cross-border city network's four members – Metz, Saarbrücken, Trier and Luxembourg – will regale audiences with piano performances.

Bike at Schluechthaus

On Sunday, 16 June 2024, bicycle mania descended on the Old Slaughterhouse in Hollerich. Over the course of the weekend, people of all ages had the chance to hone their cycling skills with the aid of experts at training sessions offered by the City of Luxembourg together with La Pédale Mühlenbach and SaF Zéisséng ASBL.