Politics, policy and administration
Photo du grand duc Jean, entouré par une foule de gens sur la place Guillaume II

At dawn on Sunday, 10 September 1944, units of the US Army's 5th Armoured Division, under the command of General Lunsford E. Oliver began its advance. Without encountering any resistance from the Nazi occupier, they entered Luxembourg City to cheers of joy and relief. Soon after that, Prince Consort Félix – who had served in the US Army – and General Oliver were applauded as they stood on the balcony of the Cercle Municipal. Several hours later, Crown Prince Jean, who at the time was serving as a first lieutenant in the Irish Guards, arrived in Luxembourg to join his father and the nation in basking in the restored freedom of the capital and Grand Duchy.

To mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the capital of the Grand Duchy, on Tuesday, 10 September 2024 the City of Luxembourg will be hosting a commemorative ceremony in the presence of TRH the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess, Luxembourg City Mayor Lydie Polfer, Chamber of Deputies President Claude Wiseler, Prime Minister Luc Frieden, Minister of Defence Yuriko Backes, and Minister for Home Affairs Léon Gloden. Descendants of General Oliver, municipal and national authorities, ambassadors, and the Committee for the Remembrance of the Second World War will also be present. This ceremony is scheduled to begin at 15:30 in Place d'Armes. Later, the guests will be attending a symposium hosted by the City at the Cercle Municipal. During the symposium, Mayor Polfer and Prime Minister Frieden will deliver addresses commemorating the victims of the war and the liberators of the country and the capital.


Procession of period military vehicles

As part of the festivities, a solemn procession of 13 historical military vehicles will set off at 15:15 from Route Longwy in Bertrange and arrive at Place d'Armes at around 16:00.

Part of the convoy's route will be the same as the one the American troops travelled in 1944: Route de Longwy, Avenue du X Septembre, Avenue Guillaume, Avenue Marie-Thérèse, Boulevard F. D. Roosevelt, Rue Chimay, Rue Notre-Dame, Rue du Fossé, Grand-Rue, Rue des Capucins and Place d'Armes. After arriving in front of the Cercle Municipal, the convoy – which will be joined by a marching band of the Luxembourg City Conservatoire when it turns on to Grand-Rue to re-create the jubilant atmosphere of the period – will continue on through Rue Chimay to Place de la Constitution, where the public will be able to view the vehicles up close.

Four of the vehicles in the convoy – two cars and two motorcycles – will stop in Place d'Armes, where they will be presented to TRH the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess, and General Oliver's family. The two cars hold a special place in Luxembourg's automotive history: one of them, an Overland model of a Willys jeep, is identical to the one in which Prince Consort Félix returned to Luxembourg on 10 September 1944; the other is a Dodge Luxury, which is also identical to the one in which Grand Duchess Charlotte returned to the Grand Duchy on 14 April 1945 from exile in England.

The procession is being organised by Quadriga Luxembourg – an association of World War II history buffs – to pay tribute to the people who liberated the country from the Nazi yoke 80 years ago. Members of Quadriga Luxembourg will be on hand in Place de la Constitution to answer spectators' questions.

Presentation of military vehicles

Presentation of period military vehicles at Place de la Constitution: around 16:30 to 19:00.

Exhibition of historical documents

To coincide with the festivities, the City's Service des Archives (Archives Department), Cinémathèque, Photothèque and Service Coordination culturelle (Cultural Coordination Department) have put together an exhibition made up almost exclusively of original historical documents – including photographs, film clips, newspaper articles and written documents – providing accounts of the liberation of Luxembourg, the return of the members of the grand ducal family and the creation of the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte. Among the most noteworthy documents are the original letter written by Gaston Diderich, Luxembourg City's mayor at the time, to Grand Duchess Charlotte upon her exile to Britain, and the proclamation of the liberation of Luxembourg City.

When and where

The exhibition will be held at the Cercle Municipal on 10 September 2024 from 17:30 to 20:00.

Concert at the bandstand in Place d'Armes

The Glenn Swing Orchestra will be putting on a concert at the bandstand in Place d'Armes.

When and where

  • 16:15
  • 17:15
  • 19:00

Practical information

Municipal bus service, T1 tram line and vehicular traffic

Due to the procession of historical vehicles along the route described above, there may be delays between 15:15 and 16:00 on the municipal bus network and the tram line.

Vehicular traffic may also be slowed down along the same route. Road users are asked to plan their trips accordingly. The convoy will be escorted by the Grand Ducal police to ensure that everything runs smoothly.


The Infobus centre on Rue Genistre will close its doors to the public at noon. However, you will be able to reach us by phone on 4796-2975 between 12:00 and 18:00.

Info point of Cityshopping.lu

The Cityshopping.lu info point at 2, place d'Armes will remain closed to the public all day. Visitors can go to the Luxembourg City Tourist Office (open from 9:00 to 18:00) in Place Guillaume II.