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On Tuesday, 11 June 2024, Luxembourg City Mayor Lydie Polfer, library director Deborah Storn, and digital communication manager Simone Hornick unveiled the municipal library's new identity and presented its new website, which has been entirely overhauled to make it much more user-friendly.

New name and visual identity

"Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque" is the new name of the municipal library located at 3, rue Genistre. The name was chosen to communicate the library's positioning as a vibrant institution that stands in the heart of the city and serves a multilingual population.

The main features of the Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque are multiculturalism, a diverse range of offerings, vibrance, interaction and information. The new visual identity reflects this: it is based on an open and flexible visual language that is inspired by the digital universe (in particular, the recommendation systems with which we are all familiar) – text bubbles and icons combined with a pre-set colour palette. It also includes an element that is the cornerstone of every library – namely, the classification system by subject, language, genre, etc. The new visual identity that has replaced the static "Cité Bibliothèque" logo is designed to be adaptive and modular, with countless layout options that can convey varied information and messages.

The library's new, understated, contemporary graphic universe is instantly recognisable and is used across all media: signage, brochures, business cards, bookmarks, accessories and of course, the new website.


Everything you need to know on a single platform!

Like the visual identity, the Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque website has also had a makeover: the new site, citybiblio.lu, brings together all the information on the municipal library on a single platform, replacing the websites bimu.lu and tuffi.lu. It is designed to provide a seamless transition between the online experience and the offline one (i.e. actually visiting the library) and to encourage the public to take advantage of all the library's physical and digital services.

When users visit the website, they are immediately immersed in the library universe. The library's resources can be viewed from the home page, which suggests different categories (New Releases, Books, Audiobooks, Films, etc.) and entries by genre, target audience (children, teens, adults), favourites, themed selections and more. Using the search engine, you can easily find a specific work, author or genre. When users select a resource, all the key information is displayed – the author, a summary, the format and the document's location in the library – making it easier for users to make their final choice of loan.

The website also has a section spotlighting news and events at the Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque, and you can sign up using the registration form. When members log in to the website, they enjoy a host of benefits: they can set their preferences and receive personalised recommendations, post reviews, bookmark resources to look at later, reserve resources, view certain digital resources directly, and receive notifications. Pretty soon they will also be able to subscribe to newsletters.

Finally, like all the City of Luxembourg websites, citybiblio.lu is published in three languages – English, French and German – and is responsive and accessible for people with special needs. Designed as a progressive web app, the site can be viewed in a web browser, or saved to the home screen of mobile devices and then used like an app.