
on 26.10.2024 from 10:00 to 11:00


Mudam Luxembourg – Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean
Park Dräi Eechelen
L-1499 Luxembourg

Workshop for children aged 3-5

In Luxembourgish

Free for children. Entrance fee for adults.


Booking required:


t 352 453785-531

There’s a new activity for our little Mudaminis. The idea is to enjoy a unique experience based on a short story that will result in a large collective drawing being created. Join us for a fun-filled, colourful time!

Prices and bookings

10 € Erwachsene
7 € – 26 Jahre
Kulturpass, unter 21, Studierende (bis 26 Jahre)

Dates and times

Samedi 2024
26.10 de 10:00 à 11:00