
The Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque is a place for reading and meeting people. It offers free access to books and documents for all ages and reading levels, as well as a variety of cultural activities. As a valuable local institution, it encourages a love of reading among young people, facilitates access to knowledge and culture, and ensures the conservation of cultural heritage.

Services and activities

The Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque (city library) is a public space where people can not only read but also meet, learn, relax and have fun. It offers the following main services and activities:

  • Loans (except for encyclopaedias and dictionaries, all Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque collections are freely accessible)
  • 30 workstations in the building for study or research; 5 publicly available computers with internet access on the ground floor
  • On-site reading and relaxation area on the ground floor
  • "Livres à domicile": delivering books to seniors with reduced mobility
  • "Mardis littéraires" series: readings and meetings once or twice a month
  • Tuffi reading workshops, for children aged 4 to 6 or 7 to 9, every Saturday from 10:30 to 11:30.
  • Luxembourg digital media library (MéNuLu): shared video-on-demand service (joint project involving several libraries across the country)
  • Guided tours of the library for school classes and adults
  • "D'Stad liest": reading-related activities for young people and adults during the city's summer festivities
  • Participation in various events organised by the City of Luxembourg and/or external partners: book readings, film screenings, guided tours, etc.

Key figures

Some interesting facts and figures* about the Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque:

  • Registered readers: 21,626, including 8,649 active readers (having borrowed at least one book in the past year)
  • Loans in 2023: 123,654
  • Books available: Approximately 80,000, all languages combined
  • Audiobooks available: Approximately 8,000, all languages combined
  • Films available (works of fiction and documentaries) on physical media: Approximately 10,000
  • Periodicals available: 100
  • Visitors during the week: Approximately 500 visitors a day
  • Visitors on Saturdays: Up to 1,000 visitors
  • Children's reading workshops run in 2023: 42
  • Visits from elementary school classes in 2023: 89

*Figures issued: June 2024


"MéNuLu" (short for "Médiathèque numérique du Luxembourg") is an extensive on-demand video and music streaming service offered by the Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque. Users can choose from a vast selection of 20,000 audio-visual files and 7 million music tracks available on three streaming platforms: Kanopy, filmfriend and Divercities.

How to get started

To take full advantage of the service, you need to be a member of one of the partner libraries. To access a document, simply look it up as you normally would on the Luxembourg libraries network's unified search engine (, then follow the link to the platform displayed on the page ("Online access"). To further refine your search, we recommend that you restrict your search to "bibliothèque numérique" (digital library) only. You can also sort the search results by document type (e.g. videos). It is also possible to access these platforms directly via the links below.

  • The US-based platform Kanopy features a collection of audiovisual documents in English, including documentaries, fiction films and movies for children. Users can view up to five movies a month. For the children's content (Kanopy Kids) and the documentaries (The Great Courses), viewing is unlimited.
  • The Germany-based platform Filmfriend features a collection of audio-visual documents in several languages – fiction films, movies for children, Luxembourgish movies, etc. – with unlimited viewing.
  • The France-based platform Divercities is divided into two sections: Tënk , for documentaries, and DiMusic , for musical content. Access is unlimited.

Luxemburgensia on MéNuLu

The films available include those digitised by the CNA, as well as a selection of digital short films. In addition, some more recent Luxembourg productions have been added to the selection.

On the filmfriend VOD platform, users can enjoy a selection of