
on 28.09.2024 from 14:00 to 18:00


luca – Luxembourg Center for Architecture
rue de la Tour Jacob
L-1831 Luxembourg

Discover the Clausen district through its architectural heritage, from the Count de Mansfeld's Château ‘La Fontaine’ to its historic park, during the European Heritage Days.


LABO Patrimoine is a project designed to raise children's awareness of Luxembourg's built heritage. During this tour of Clausen, we'll be learning what architectural heritage is and how to recognise old buildings.

With the ‘LABO Mobil’, we'll be exploring and analysing the neighbourhood with photo cameras, notebooks and a good dose of curiosity. The excursion will be followed by a workshop at LUCA where we'll do puzzles, tinkering and more!

  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Age: 8-12 years
  • Language : DE LU
  • Departure point: LUCA at 14:00
  • From
  • Bring clothes suitable for the weather
  • Price: €5 (free with Kulturpass)
  • Registration required (places are limited)

This activity is organised by LUCA, as part of the European Heritage Days.

LABO Patrimoine is a project developed on behalf of the Ministry of Culture by LUCA - Luxembourg Center for Architecture and INPA (Institut national pour le patrimoine architectural) for School Cycles 3 and 4. Excursions can be booked free of charge by schools throughout the country via

Prices and bookings

5 € LABO Patrimoine Mansfeld

Dates and times

Samedi 2024
28.09 de 14:00 à 18:00