avenue Marie-Thérèse
2132 Luxembourg
Marcel Hunecke’s perspective focuses less on the political framework necessary for transformation. For Marcel Hunecke, the focus is on the human being:‘How can we learn to want less without missing out on anything? What forms of personal growth
can reduce the constant economic growth?’ … these are the statements from his book ‘Psychology of Sustainability’. Marcel Hunecke argues that a socio-ecological transformation requires a cultural change that cannot take place without development processes on an individual level: The focus here is on the questions of what a successful and happy life can look like and what can be expected here in the future as desirable, possible and probable? Marcel Hunecke integrates findings from environmental psychology and positive psychology as well as socio-ecological research, which he will present during the lecture. His focus will be on how six psychological resources can promote a sustainable lifestyle. The strengths of his analysis lie in the fact that he focuses on the individual as an agent of sustainable development and, at the same time, shows how the psychological resources of the individual can be strengthened by government action
.Marcel Hunecke,is Professor of General Psychology, Organisational and Environmental Psychology at the Department of Applied Social Sciences at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts since
2009. He studied psychology, philosophy and social sciences at the Ruhr University Bochum. He has participated in over 25 research projects with an inter- and transdisciplinary orientation in the field of environmental and sustainability
research as a staff member, head and coordinator. Since 2014, he has been a research professor at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, where he heads the working group on environmental psychology in transdisciplinary sustainability research and the master’s programme in ‘Social Sustainability and Demographic Change’. Since summer semester 2020, he has been coordinating the focus area ‘Social Responsibility’ in the university development plan of the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. He is the author of numerous books, including ‘The Psychology of Sustainability’. (2013, 2022)
The conference will be in German and simutaneously translated into English.
Thank you for registering at inscription@meco.lu by March 10th, this makes the organization easier for us.
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