
le 24.10.2024 de 20:00 à 21:45


Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg
Place du Théâtre
L-2613 Luxembourg

In collaboration with Intersex & Transgender Luxembourg, Ville de Luxembourg, CID Fraen an Gender

Who I Am Not

Roumanie-Canada-Afrique du Sud 2023 | Tunde Skovran | vostEN | documentaire | 107’ | digital 

> Best Director & Mermaid Award, Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival 2023

> Documentary Spotlight, SXSW Film Festival 2023

What makes a male, and what makes a female? Where do we draw the line, and does it really matter? Sharon-Rose Khumalo, a South African beauty queen, plunges into an identity crisis after finding out she is intersex. She needs the guidance of somebody just like her. The only person who will help is Dimakatso Sebidi, a male-presenting intersex activist who turns out to be her complete opposite. The two parallel but divergent stories are an intimate look at the struggle of living in a male-female world, when you are born in-between.


« Skovran allows the complexities of Khumalo and Sebidi’s lives to emerge organically, without pushing at story arcs or trying to find direct reflections. Who I Am NotFrom is a celebration of sorts, allthough Sebidi experiences emotionally fraught moments, they are also seen to be in a loving relationship with their girlfriend and close with their family, while Khumalo’s general air of positivity leaps from the screen. » (Screen).


The film will be followed by a discussion with the associations.

Prix et réservation

3.7 € Tarif plein
2.4 € Tarif réduit
1.5 € Kulturpass

Détails date et heures

Jeudi 2024
24.10 de 20:00 à 21:45