
le 11.12.2024 à 20:30


Place des Rotondes
L-2448 Luxembourg
Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français.

Mixing the personal with romanticised ideals in ways that are simultaneously heart-wrenching and humorous to a dead-pan effect, there is no one trajectory for Honeyglaze, whose greatest ability is finding ways to present what’s written in-between the lines, in moments of beautifully well-versed clarity.

Tackling themes varying from jealousy to inadequacy, codependent companionships to the smell of coffee on clothes, as with all good reflections of self, Honeyglaze's 2022 selft-titled debut album is a fly on the wall opportunity to get to know three familial strangers in your own way – whilst they too suss out themselves, and the ever-growing circle around them, in the span of 37 minutes.


English Teacher, Lime Garden, Francis Of Delirium

Prix et réservation

14 € Honeyglaze

Détails date et heures

Mercredi 2024
11.12 à 20:30