Séance spéciale

To celebrate Intersex Awareness Day, held annually on October 26, Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg has teamed up with Intersex & Transgender Luxembourg, Ville de Luxembourg and CID Fraen an Gender for a special screening followed by a discussion.


Je 24 | 10 20h00 : Who I Am Not
Roumanie-Canada-Afrique du Sud 2023 | Tunde Skovran | vostEN | documentaire | 107’ | digital
Best Director & Mermaid Award, Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival 2023

What makes a male, and what makes a female? Where do we draw the line, and does it really matter? Sharon-Rose Khumalo, a South African beauty queen, plunges into an identity crisis after finding out she is intersex. The only person who will help is Dimakatso Sebidi, a male-presenting intersex activist who turns out to be her complete opposite. The two parallel but divergent stories are an intimate look at the struggle of living in a male-female world, when you are born in-between. 

« Skovran allows the complexities of Khumalo and Sebidi’s lives to emerge organically, without pushing at story arcs or trying to find direct reflections. Who I Am Not is a celebration of sorts, allthough Sebidi experiences emotionally fraught moments, they are also seen to be in a loving relationship with their girlfriend and close with their family, while Khumalo’s general air of positivity leaps from the screen. » (Screen)

In collaboration with Intersex & Transgender Luxembourg, Ville de Luxembourg, CID Fraen an Gender
The film will be followed by a discussion with the associations.

Agenda et plus d'informations sur les séances