Politics, policy and administration
Photo prise avec les membres de la politique

On Friday, 23 August 2024, the relatives of those living at the Konviktsgaart retirement home (Résidence Grande-Duchesse Joséphine Charlotte) thanked the staff members who, day in and day out, show unwavering dedication and professionalism in looking after the residents around the clock. In attendance were Julien Demoulin, CEO of Sodexo Luxembourg, Marcello Loguercio, Director of Konviktsgaart, and Dominique Lieb, representative of the City and the resident council.

To celebrate these workers, the family members presented a huge custom-made heart and gave a personalised gift to each staff member – from the kitchen assistant to the cleaner to the nurses – to thank them for their exemplary service and for the cheerfulness, kindness and empathy they show every day to the residents of Konviktsgaart.

City of Luxembourg Chief Alderman Maurice Bauer was also present, and he too thanked the staff for all their continued hard work.