Tree officer programme

As part of the tree officer programme, participants may choose to adopt a street tree and become responsible for caring for its tree bed. By cultivating more diverse plant life, a greater array of colours and widespread greenery, this programme helps make the streets of Luxembourg City even more attractive. This both improves quality of life for humans, and increases animal biodiversity.

The programme is aimed in particular at people who do not have their own garden or balcony. Adopting a tree gives people the chance to try out their green thumb close to home by using a tree bed as their own mini-garden.

Adopt a tree

Contact details

Service Parcs

What plants can I put down?

In consultation with the Service Parcs and depending on the location of the tree bed, you can use a variety of plant species: summer flowers, shrubs, bulbs and flower or grass seed.

Helpful hints

  • Young trees need abundant water over the first few years of their lives, so make sure to do your planting on the edges of the bed rather than right next to the tree trunk.
  • The roots of older trees take up a lot of space, so it is best to choose plants that grow from tubers and bulbs.
  • If you add any potting soil, make sure not to cover the base of the trunk. We strongly recommend you use mulch instead of compost.
  • Staff from the Service Parcs will be happy to help you design your tree bed and choose which plants to put in the ground. However, you are responsible for purchasing the plants.
  • Small fences are permitted only if they do not interfere with road safety. The fence may be no more than 50 cm high, and must not present a risk of injury for road and pavement users. If you wish to erect a fence, you must first obtain authorisation from the Service Parcs.

Your duties as a tree officer

Maintain the tree bed

  • Hoe the soil – to a depth of approximately 5 cm – to ensure it gets as much water and nutrients as possible. For older trees, take care not to damage the roots. Avoid areas with shallow roots.
  • Remove weeds.
  • Cut the undergrowth. Plants should not stray beyond the edges of the tree bed, and for safety reasons they may be no higher than 50 cm.
  • Water the tree during dry periods. Young trees in particular need a great deal of water in the first few years of their lives. When the weather is very hot, you can give the tree up to 50 litres every six days.
  • Contact the Service Parcs if you notice that a tree or its bed has been damaged.

The Service Parcs takes care of all trimming and pruning of trees.

You may not use pesticides, which the City of Luxembourg stopped using long ago. Please also avoid using fertiliser.

Available streets

Below is a list of the streets where you may adopt a tree bed.


  • Rue Pierre-Joseph Redouté


  • Rue des Aubépines, residential side
  • Rue Théodore Eberhard
  • Rue Jean-Pierre Brasseur


  • Rue des Romains
  • Rue des Trévires
  • Rue Félix de Blochausen


  • Rue Nicolas Martha
  • Rue Pierre Krier
  •  Rue Tony Dutreux


  • Allée du Carmel
  • Rue Camille Polfer
  • Rue Auguste Trémont
  • Boulevard Charles Simonis


  • Rue de la Forêt
  • Rue des Prunelles
  • Rue de Kohlenberg
  • Am Grëndchen


  • Allée Pierre de Mansfeld


  • Rue Chingiz Aitmatov


  • Rue Adolphe Fischer
  • Rue Michel Welter
  • Rue Michel Rodange


  • Mühlenweg


  • Val des Bons Malades
  • Rue des Maraîchers
  • Rue Marcel Reuland
  • Fond St Martin


  • Rue Michel Lentz
  • Avenue Victor Hugo


  • Am Bongert
  • Rue Louis XIV


  • Rue Valentin Simon
  • Rue de Mühlenbach
  • Rue Jules Mersch