Electronic processing system for supplier invoices

To guarantee short invoice payment times, the City of Luxembourg uses an electronic system for processing supplier invoices.


For supplier invoices to be identified by the City's electronic system, suppliers must include the following in every invoice:

  • reference number (order code of the type 45xxxxxxxx, 46xxxxxxxx or 1xxxxxxx);
  • the name of the department originating the order.

Suppliers must also add to their invoices all the other information usually included in their invoices.

Failure to do so may result in invoices not being processed. The City reserves the right to return invoices that do not meet the above requirements.

Sending invoices

By virtue of the law of 13 December 2021 amending the law of 16 May 2019 on electronic invoicing as part of a public procurement or a concession contract (loi du 16 mai 2019 relative à la facturation électronique dans le cadre des marchés publics et des contrats de concession), all invoices must be issued and submitted electronically via the PEPPOL delivery network or the MyGuichet platform. In accordance with this law, invoices may no longer be submitted by post or email.

The PEPPOL identifier of the City of Luxembourg is 9938:lu10355144.

Invoices not falling within the field of application of the aforementioned legislation must be sent:


For more information on how to issue and send an electronic invoice, go to MyGuichet.lu.

Exceptional cases

You may request a single-use code from the client department to access MyGuichet if you have none of the following: your own access to the PEPPOL network, PEPPOL agent, LuxTrust product, eIDAS identification for accessing MyGuichet.