Minor works

All minor works – often also referred to as "digs" – must be authorised by the City of Luxembourg in accordance with Article 2, Chapter 1 of the General Regulations on Public Order and Safety (Règlement général de police) pertaining to safety and the convenience of passage on public roads, squares and thoroughfares.

In general, applications to conduct minor works must be filed by the network operator in question. If no network operator is involved, the applicant must contact the Service Voirie (Department of Streets) by telephone (on 4796-3309) two weeks before the works are supposed to begin. The Service Voirie will then determine the conditions in which the works can be carried out.

Works on pavements

All works on pavements (such dropping the kerb or moving trees and lampposts) are also subject to prior authorisation by the City of Luxembourg, in accordance with Chapter H4 of the Tax Regulation (Règlement taxe).

Requests to carry out such works must be submitted by the owner of the building who requires that modifications be made to the pavement abutting their property.

Form(s) to be completed

Request to carry out works on a pavement

Via PDF document

Non-authenticated method, manual signing and sending

  • This is a non-authenticated method
  • Print, fill in, sign and send
    • by post or
    • email (scan)
PDF form

Major works

All major works require a roadworks permit from the City of Luxembourg, in accordance

  • with Article 2, Chapter 1 of the General Regulations on Public Order and Safety (Règlement général de police) pertaining to safety and the convenience of passage on public roads, squares and thoroughfares; and
  • the Grand Ducal Regulation of 24 April 2007 determining the conditions for the exercise of rights of way on municipal public thoroughfares by listed businesses that provide electronic communications networks or services.

Applications for roadworks permits must be submitted for any major works on a public thoroughfare, and in particular for any excavation works exceeding 25 m in length. These terms and conditions are applicable to all companies (including energy suppliers) that wish to conduct major works on a public thoroughfare.

For more details on the terms and conditions, please refer to the relevant regulations.
