There are a wide range of urban art forms. Mural painting, stencilling, graffiti, hip hop, breakdancing, rap, and slam are all forms of artistic expression that Luxembourg City strives to promote by providing organisational and financial support for festivals, battles, and dance classes.

Comité d'art urbain

The comité d'art urbain (urban art committee) mediates between supply and demand, and seeks to promote youth culture in a constantly changing society, support professional artists, integrate urban art in the public space, and bring less well known art forms closer to the public. Comprising representatives from Luxembourg City's Service Jeunesse, Coordination culturelle and Service Espace public, fêtes et marchés (Youth, Cultural Coordination and Public Spaces, Festivals and Markets Departments) and three artists, this committee serves as a liaison between the municipal administration and creators of art (artists, youth centres, schools, etc.) wishing to provide artworks for the city's urban spaces.