Who can register a birth?

All births must be registered within ten calendar days (not counting the day of delivery) with the civil registrar of the municipal office for where the birth took place.

Births must be registered by the father or mother.

Alternatively, births must be registered by the doctor, midwife or any other person who was present for the birth.


Documents to submit when registering a birth

Married parents

  • medical notice + family record book or, failing that, a marriage certificate + identity documents of the mother and the person registering the birth.
  • Important: only marriage certificates written in French, German or English can be accepted. For all other languages, a translation must be provided along with the original.

Unmarried parents

  • medical notice + identity documents of the mother and father
  • Important: if one of the parents is a Luxembourg national or was born in the Grand Duchy: + joint declaration of choice of surname signed by the parents.

Estimated waiting time

It is  08:51

Register a birth


After registering the birth

The Bureau des déclarations de naissance (Birth Registration Office) will provide you with eight extracts of the birth certificate. These must be submitted to:

  • your employer;
  • the Children's Future Fund (Caisse pour l'Avenir des Enfants) – postal address: BP 394, L-2013 Luxembourg – together with the application for family and maternal allowances;
  • your health insurance fund.

And, as the case may be:

  • the Caisse Médico-Chirurgicale (complementary health insurance) if you are registered with this provider;
  • your insurance provider (life insurance);
  • the Ministry of Housing (Ministère du logement), if you receive housing benefits,
  • the embassy or consulate of your country in Luxembourg, if you are not a Luxembourg national.

You will also receive the following forms, which must be sent to the institutions whose address appears on the application:

  • family and maternity allowance application;
  • postnatal allowance application.

Identity documents for your child

If the child is

  • a Luxembourg national: apply to the municipal office for your place of residence;
  • not a Luxembourg national: apply to your embassy/consulate. (for more information, please contact your embassy/consulate)


Contact details

44, place Guillaume II / 2, rue Notre-Dame
L-2090 Luxembourg