Connection to the gas and electricity networks
For technical questions concerning the gas and electricity grids (connections, metre installations, grid repairs), please contact Creos Luxembourg S.A.
Utility markouts
When carrying out construction work on public or private property, contractors must beware of any public utility cables and pipes that might be located on-site.
Work on public thoroughfares
All minor and major works carried out on public thoroughfares and pavements are subject to prior authorisation by the City of Luxembourg.

Obstructing public thoroughfares
Tax is calculated based on the sector for which the application is made, and is levied until the public thoroughfare has been restored to its original condition

Connection to district heating
Combined production of heat and electricity with a very high energy yield, useful from both an ecological and an economic perspective

Water supply connection
Procedures and forms for new connections and for the removal, disconnection, transfer, change or replacement of an existing connection, and for the lease of sta…

Building works: construction, remodelling and renovation
Building permit, statement of work, fragmentation, energy advisory services, and applications for copies of plans and a certificate stating the year in which a …