Declaring your residence – arrival, change of address and departure
Declaration of arrival, change of residence within Luxembourg City and declaration of departure.

Request a certificate or an extract
Certificate of residence, long-form certificate of residence, certificate of voter registration, certificate of life Birth, marriage and death certificates Orde…

Paying your bills and taxes
Payment of municipal bills at the cash desk, by direct debit or wire transfer, property taxes, and information on the sending of tax cards

Chèque-Service Accueil
The childcare service voucher scheme (chèque-service accueil – CSA) grants parents reduced rates for non-formal education and childcare services, depending on a…

Residential parking permit
If you live in Luxembourg City and own a car, you are entitled to a permit enabling you to park for free in your parking zone.

Registering your dog
New dog registration, annual fee, change of residence or owner, potentially dangerous dogs and death of a dog

Registration for non-Luxembourg nationals
Information on voting for non-Luxembourgish residents.