Setting up a shop or business

For support with opening a shop or business in Luxembourg City, we recommend you get in touch with these these points of contact.


If your project involves opening a restaurant, we recommend that you contact Horesca, the trade federation for hotels, restaurants and cafés in Luxembourg:

For all other advice and support, please consult the relevant section of our website.

Opening a business

Please note that restrictions may apply to particular business activities in certain areas of Luxembourg City. For additional information, please contact the Cellule Développement économique et commercial (Economic and Business Development Unit – DEC).

Classified establishments (commodo/incommodo)


Any establishment or installation operating in the industrial, commercial or craft sector, whether public or private, and any activity, process or ancillary activity which may present a risk or inconvenience to:

  • the integrated control and prevention of pollution from establishments;
  • the protection of the health and safety or well-being of the public, local community or staff of these establishments, or the protection of the health and safety of workers in the workplace, as well as the human and natural environment.
  • Promoting sustainable development.


  • Class 1: industrial concerns; airports; covered parking garages >250 vehicles; various workshops depending on electrical power, etc.; offices >4,000 m2; hospitals; theatres; conference rooms, performance venues, reception halls and sports halls, night clubs, circuses >500 people; air conditioning when cooling capacity >300 kW; large-scale storage of flammable liquids, etc.;
  • Class 2: conference rooms, performance venues, reception halls and sports halls, night clubs, circuses that can hold between 100 and 500 people; various workshops; butcher's shops, bakeries, etc. depending on electrical power; fishmongers, fairground facilities; ten-pin bowling lanes; restaurants >50 people; certain flammable liquid storage sites, etc.;
  • Class 3: various workshops and commercial spaces depending on the location; offices between 1,600 and 4,000 m2; hotels; air conditioning
  • Class 4: apiaries; covered garages and car parks of 5 to 20 vehicles; stables of 20 to 200 animals; diesel deposits of 300 to 20,000 litres, etc.;

Complete list: Nomenclature and categories of classified establishments (GDR of 10 May 2012).

Class 2 establishments in Luxembourg City

These mainly include:

  • restaurants that can accommodate more than 50 people (since 1999);
  • sports halls, reception halls, conference rooms and centres, ballrooms, dance halls, cinemas, night clubs, theatres, concert halls, exhibition halls, multi-purpose halls, drinking establishments, circuses, except for those for purely educational use in schools, regardless of whether they are in continued or intermittent use in the case of premises designed to accommodate 100–500 people;
  • ten-pin bowling lanes (jeux de quilles);
  • bakeries, butcher's shops, fishmongers.

Form(s) to be completed

Form: "Operation of a Class 2 establishment (restaurants for more than 50 people)"

Via online form

Non-authenticated method, manual signing and sending

  • This is a non-authenticated method
  • You fill out a smart form online
  • Print, sign and send
    • by post or
    • email (scan)
Online form

Form(s) to be completed

Form: "Operation of a Class 2 establishment (other establishments)"

Via online form

Non-authenticated method, manual signing and sending

  • This is a non-authenticated method
  • You fill out a smart form online
  • Print, sign and send
    • by post or
    • email (scan)
Online form

Signs, canopies and terraces

Advertising signs and media

Advertising media refers to any medium affixed to a private property or broadcast from a private property used to propagate an advertising message in any form whatsoever.

Full information is provided on the following advertising media:

  • General information
  • advertising media affixed to building facades
  • stand-alone advertising material installed in front of buildings
  • shopping arcades
  • temporary advertising media

Awnings and terraces

Canopies, awnings and decorative elements must leave a free passage of at least 2.30 metres from the surface of the pavement or walkways. Such fixtures may protrude up to 3.00 metres, provided they remain 0.50 metres away from the kerb.

For installations along pedestrian routes, the permit may be subject to special conditions.

Form(s) to be completed

Application for a permit to occupy a public space for business purposes

Via PDF document

Non-authenticated method, manual signing and sending

  • This is a non-authenticated method
  • Print, fill in, sign and send
    • by post or
    • email (scan)
PDF form

Leasing a commercial property from the City

The City owns a portfolio of 33 commercial properties (retail shops, restaurants, brasseries, cafés, refreshment bars) in various neighbourhoods that are leased to operators chosen by the Municipal Council following a call for tender.

As soon as a commercial space is available, a call for tender is launched and published below.

Enhanced accessibility

Construction, remodelling and renovation

Any construction, remodelling and interior or exterior renovation requires either a building permit or a statement of work.

Municipal regulations

Below are a number of municipal regulations that are relevant to starting a business or opening a shop, restaurant or café.