
The City Night Bus service operates every Friday and Saturday evening until 3:30.

Thanks to our night buses, you can easily get around the city without having to worry about parking. Cafés, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, pubs, night clubs and discotheques – just hop on the bus and you'll be there in no time.

The City Night Bus leaves every 15 to 30 minutes and operates on 8 routes.

The 8 night bus lines

City Night Bus line CN1 serves the Ville-Haute, Hollerich, Gare, Clausen, Neudorf and Cents districts, as well as the Glacis and Bouillon car parks. Buses leave every 10 to 15 minutes from 21:30 to 3:30.

Buses on lines CN2, CN3, CN4, CN5, CN6, CN7 and CN8  leave every 30 minutes from 00:30 to 3:30.

  • AVL line CN2: Gasperich, Cessange (new route as of 16 July 2023)
  • AVL line CN3: Bonnevoie-Sud, Hamm, Pulvermühl
  • AVL line CN4: Kirchberg, Weimershof
  • AVL line CN5: Kirchberg, Weimerskirch, Mühlenbach, Rollingergrund
  • AVL line CN6: Eich, Beggen, Dommeldange
  • AVL line CN7: Limpertsberg, Merl, Belair (new route as of 16 July 2023)
  • AVL line CN8: Gasperich, Bonnevoie (new route as of 16 July 2023)

More information on other night bus services

Visit mobiliteit.lu for more information on other night bus services.