Signature certification

Signature certification attests to the authenticity of the signature on a document or deed. The purpose of this procedure is to attest that the signature is both authentic and binding, and that it was indeed appended by the person in question.


  • You must appear in person at the Bierger-Center.
  • You must provide proof of your identity in the form of a valid identity document (identity card or passport).
  • You must sign the document in the presence of the municipal agent authorised to legalise signatures. Documents signed in advance will not be accepted.

Signature legalisation for parental authorisations

The Bierger-Center can issue parental authorisations for minors travelling abroad without their parents. A person with parental authority must go to the Bierger-Center with an identity document and provide the following information:

  • the child's departure and return dates;
  • the child's destination (country and location);
  • the name of the person accompanying the child (who must be 18 or older).

Signature certification for undertakings to assume responsibility

Undertakings to assume responsibility for a foreign nationals, as provided for in Article 4 of the Law of 29 August 2008 on the free circulation of people and immigration (Loi du 29 août 2008 sur la libre circulation des personnes et l’immigration), must be drawn up using the template established by the ministry responsible for visas and immigration. The person issuing the undertaking – known as the guarantor – must go to the Bierger-Center to have their signature on the undertaking certified by the Mayor or their representative, if the conditions for certification have been met.

Form(s) to be completed

Undertaking to assume responsibility

Via PDF document

Non-authenticated method, manual signing and sending

  • Non-authenticated method
  • Print, fill in, sign and send by post


To be able to make use of an undertaking to assume responsibility, the guarantor must first go to the municipal administration of their place of residence, so that the Mayor or their representative can certify the guarantor's signature – i.e. certify that the guarantor has personally signed the form below. Then, the undertaking must be assessed by the competent department. To that end, the guarantor must submit the form, duly completed and certified by the municipal authorities of their place of residence.

Documents signed in advance will not be accepted.

PDF form

Estimated waiting time

It is  22:48

Current transactions

Certified copies

A certified copy is a duplicate of an original document that is endorsed by the issuer as a true copy of the original.


Certified copies are issued by the Bierger-Center. Simply bring your original documents with you.

  • Certified copies are issued on the spot by a municipal officer using the original document provided.
  • If there is any doubt as to the authenticity of a certified copy issued in a non-EU country, the relevant authority may request that the copy be legalised by the embassy of the country in question, or be affixed with a Hague apostille.
  • The Bureau de la population (Population Office) is not authorised to issue certified copies of civil registry documents (birth, marriage and death certificates).

By virtue of the Law of 29 May 2009 (Loi du 29 mai 2009) abolishing the obligation to provide a certified copy of an original document, it is no longer necessary to provide a certified copy of a document issued by a Luxembourg administrative authority or an administrative authority of another EU member state as part of an administrative procedure falling under the jurisdiction of the state, a municipality or a legal body governed by public law.

Estimated waiting time

It is  22:48

Current transactions