boîte aux lettres

Minor works and construction

The following works and construction, which are minor and do not fall within the scope of a building permit or statement of work according to Article 57.3 of th…


Other useful links

Civil Code; Land Registry and Topography Administration (Administration du cadastre et de la topographie); National Roads Administration (Administration des pon…

autorisation de bâtir

Building permit

For construction works, extensions, renovations, alterations, demolitions, sheds, porch roofs, canopies, awnings, signs, fences along public roads, wells, water…

formulaire et un stylo

Statement of work

For major indoor maintenance, facade restoration and roof repair.

Subdivision (formerly fragmentation)

Any owner of a plot of land that can be built on immediately (regardless of whether this land has existing structures) who intends to break the land up into mul…


Other applications

Application forms to request a certificate proving municipal protection status, a copy of building plans, and a certificate stating the year in which a building…

document de règlementations


Building regulations, special conditions for conservation areas and listed building groups (ensembles sensibles), and related regulations.

Ville de Luxembourg

Grant for works to protect heritage assets

Grant for preservation, conservation, restoration or renovation works on buildings located in a "built environment – C" protected area of community interest.


Private work sites

Utility markings, construction works in public spaces, occupation of public thoroughfares, and connections to the water and district heating networks.

Panorama de la Ville

Urban development

General development plan (PAG), special development plans (PAP), urban projects, works in progress, and completed projects.

Photo au dessus du quartier Dommeldange

Rent commission

The Commission des loyers (Rent Committee) is an arbitration body for landlords and tenants, which handles increases and reductions in rent.