Politics, policy and administration
étiquette Cuvée_Schueberfouer 2024

For the 2024 Schueberfouer, in light of the resounding success of previous years, the City of Luxembourg and the wine merchant Bernard-Massard will be joining forces once again, for the 12th year running, to produce a new "special vintage". Some 1,500 bottles featuring the Schueberfouer 2024 visual, created by Amarylis Hibon, will be sold at the country's biggest funfair and enjoyed exclusively at Champ du Glacis.

For each bottle sold, Bernard-Massard will donate €0.50 to charity. This year, the proceeds will be donated to the non-profit organisation ALAN Maladies Rares Luxembourg ASBL, which is dedicated to contributing to a better quality of life for people living with a rare disease, and raising public awareness of rare diseases along with their impact on the lives patients and their families.