Online service

Procedures for persons wishing to file a change of residence when moving home (within Luxembourg, from one municipality to another or within the same municipality, or moving abroad).

Form(s) to be completed

Select your preferred method


Authenticated method carried out entirely online

Do you have one of these connection types?

  • Use an authenticated method carried out entirely online
  • Manage your supporting documents
  • Use a digital signature method approved by the State
  • Monitor the progress of your procedures

This method requires the use of a LuxTrust product!

Via form
Via online form

Non-authenticated method, manual signing and sending

  • Non-authenticated procedure
  • Fill in the smart form online
  • Print, sign and send
    • by post or
    • email (scan)
Online form

Declaration of arrival

Anyone who establishes their usual place of residence in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg must register with the population office (bureau de la population) of the municipal office for their place of residence.

When declaring your arrival, you are registered in the civil registry of your local municipal office.

The procedures relating to declarations of arrival are established by the Law of 19 June 2013 on the identification of natural persons, as amended ( loi modifiée du 19 juin 2013 relative à l’identification des personnes physiques).

Anyone who arrives in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg from abroad must register their usual place of residence with the population office of their local municipal office within eight days of arriving in the country.

NB: third-country nationals must register within three working days of arriving in the country.

To be entered in the civil registry of the municipal office, you must submit the following documents:

  • A valid national identity card or passport.
  • For third-country nationals (as applicable): a certificate of temporary authorisation to stay, an entry visa or residence permit or residence card issued by another EU member state or country treated as such, as applicable.
  • For people who have never been registered in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: it is strongly recommended that you bring with you documents that may substantiate any of the information regarding your family status, such as a marriage certificate, children's birth certificates, or a divorce certificate, etc.
  • proof of usual place of residence. This may include any of the following:
    • Recent electricity or water bill (issued within the past 3 months);
    • Recent telephone bill for a landline (issued within the past 3 months);
    • Lease contract;
    • Any document issued by a public administration, or records in public registers, documents or notes as established by law or custom and duly maintained or drawn up.
      • If no such document can be provided, a proof of accommodation certificate must be completed and signed by the owner or the tenant.

Estimated waiting time

It is  10:14

Current transactions

Change of residence within Luxembourg City

If you move within Luxembourg City, you must register your change of residence with the population office within eight days of occupying your new home.

Documents to submit:

  • A valid identity document (identity card or passport)
  • For citizens of EU member states and countries treated as such: registration certificate
  • For third-country nationals who are family members of EU citizens: a family member card
  • For car owners: your residential parking permit (if moving to a new residential district)
  • Proof of usual place of residence. This may include any of the following:
    • Recent electricity or water bill (issued within the past 3 months);
    • Recent telephone bill for a landline (issued within the past 3 months);
    • Lease contract;
    • Any document issued by a public administration, or records in public registers, documents or notes as established by law or custom and duly maintained or drawn up.
      • If no such document can be provided, a proof of accommodation certificate must be completed and signed by the owner or the tenant.


Declaration of departure


When changing your usual place of residence within the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, you must register your change of address with the population office for your new place of residence.

When you transfer your usual place of residence to a different municipality, the municipal office for your new place of residence ensures you are removed from the civil registry of your previous municipality.

This means that if you move to another municipality within the Grand Duchy, you no longer need to file a declaration of departure with the municipal office for your old place of residence.


Any transfer of a person's usual place of residence to another country must be registered with the population office of the municipal office for their last place of residence in Luxembourg by no later than the day before their departure.

Foreign nationals who intend to leave Luxembourg for a period of more than six months must surrender their residence documents before their departure.

Documents to be surrendered:

  • For citizens of EU member states and countries treated as such: registration certificate
  • Third-country nationals: residence permit
  • Third-country nationals who are family members of EU citizens: family member card