Useful information

Only residents of Luxembourg City and the municipality of Strassen may use the Recycling Centre, which provides its services free of charge. For information for businesses, please consult the "Working" pages of this site.

The Service Hygiène (Sanitation Department) wishes to remind you that businesses can only access the Recycling Centre from Tuesday to Friday inclusive. Mondays and Saturdays are reserved for private individuals.  

Only clean, sorted waste can be recycled. All waste must therefore be sorted in advance and separated, as far as possible, from non-recyclable waste. Items to be recycled must be separated into:

  • recyclable material, sorted by waste type; and
  • hazardous substances for disposal by SuperDrecksKëscht.

The City's Recycling Centre accepts small quantities of bulky waste (under 1 m³ in volume).

  • As parking is limited, the transportation of waste materials by trailer, van, lorry, tow truck or any similar vehicle is only authorised if parking spaces are available. If there are no free parking spaces, access may be denied.
  • Any non-recyclable waste brought to the Recycling Centre must be removed immediately.

An access card is required to enter the Recycling Centre. Residents of Luxembourg City and the municipality of Strassen are eligible for an access card, provided they are 18 or over. To request your card, you must complete a form that is available on site, present a piece of ID and provide your social security card number. You will be issued your own personal card immediately.

Want directions to the office where you can request your access card? Check out the below site map of the Recycling Centre.

Contact details

Recycling Centre

rue du Stade
L-2547 Luxembourg

Opening hours

Monday to Friday


Last entry is at 19:15.



Last entry is at 17:45.

The full set of rules for using the Recycling Centre are detailed in its internal rules and regulations:

Recycling Centre: closed days

Public holidays 

Easter The Recycling Centre will be closed on Monday, 1 April 2024.
Labour Day The Recycling Centre will be closed on Wednesday, 1 May 2024.
Europe Day/ Ascension Day The Recycling Centre will be closed on Thursday, 9 May 2024.
Pentecost The Recycling Centre will be closed on Monday, 20 May 2024.
National Day No change
Assumption Day The Recycling Centre will be closed on Thursday, 15 August 2024.
All Saint's Day The Recycling Centre will be closed on Friday, 1 November 2024.
Christmas The Recycling Centre will close at 12:00 on Tuesday 24 December 2024. The Recycling Centre will be closed on Wednesday, 25 December and on Thursday, 26 December 2024.
New Year's Day 2025 The Recycling Centre will be closed on Wednesday, 1 January 2025.

Loose waste

Talking trash: what goes where

Not sure what bin to use? Need help figuring out where to put something specific?
Check out our guide: Recycling A to Z.

the department

Contact details

48, route d'Arlon
L-1140 Luxembourg

Opening hours


from 8:00 to 16:00