Sports and leisure
Image du public lors du Blues'n'Jazz Rallye

As part of the summer festivities, the City is hosting its traditional musical marathon, the Blues'n'Jazz Rallye, on Saturday, 20 July 2024 in the Old Town areas of Pfaffenthal, Clausen and the Grund.

From 18:00 to 3:00 in the morning, 40 acclaimed musicians and ensembles will give live performances on stages set up all across the Old Town, giving visitors a truly unique way to experience this UNESCO heritage site. The festival's atmosphere and scenery can be found nowhere else in Europe.

Eight stages, each with its own surprises for visitors:

  • Place Auguste Engel (Grund)
  • Neimënster (Grund)
  • Melusina (Clausen)
  • Rives de Clausen (Clausen)
  • Parc Mansfeld (Clausen)
  • Parc Odendahl (Pfaffenthal)
  • Théiwesbuer (Pfaffenthal)
  • Sang a Klang (Pfaffenthal)

An additional eight bars will be also hosting concerts to delight audiences with various styles of jazz, funk, soul and blues.

Changes to traffic and public transport

There will be a number of changes to traffic and bus services to allow the event to run smoothly.