conférence de presse forêts

On Wednesday, 17 July 2024, the City of Luxembourg presented its priorities and future projects on environmental protection. These are geared towards enhancing the resilience of Luxembourg City's forest heritage and ecosystems, further to the findings reported by the Nature and Forest Agency (Administration de la Nature et des Forêts) that the health of trees has been deteriorating for several decades.

The City pursues a proactive policy on environmental and climate protection. The urgency of climate change demands that we take further steps to protect nature and especially our municipal forests, which cover some 1,100 hectares, that is to say, around 20% of Luxembourg City. Our efforts in this area also concern the 21,000 or so trees around the city and in our parks, since several indigenous species can no longer withstand the extreme weather events induced by climate change. In light of these findings, we have made protecting the environment one of our top priorities with a view to preserving our natural heritage in the long term. To that end, we have established a roadmap with a focus on five priority areas, which we have translated into concrete projects that we plan to implement over the coming months and years.

New brochure: "Trees in the city"

The City has just published a new brochure which casts a spotlight on the trees that can be found in our city and parks. The one-hundred-page brochure was produced by the City's Service Parcs (Parks Department) – which is tasked with the upkeep of all green spaces in Luxembourg City – and contains a series of photos, texts and illustrations covering topics such as the history of the City's parks, the municipal tree register, the notion of the best "trees for climate change", and the upkeep and protection of trees.