Sports and leisure
kanner in the city 2022

The Centre d'animation pédagogique et de loisirs (Creative Learning Centre – CAPEL) of the City of Luxembourg's Service Foyers scolaires (Childcare Department) is hosting "Kanner in the City" on Friday, 2 August and Saturday, 3 August 2024. It is a summer event you won't want to miss! This traditional games festival is part of "Aktioun Bambësch" – the leisure-activities programme for children that was begun in 1973.

This year, the festival centres on the theme "Traust du dich?" (Do You Dare?!), with suspense-filled games and experiences. The festival provides a great opportunity for children aged 4 to 12, and their parents, to romp and rollick to their hearts' content through a host of games and workshops run by "Aktioun Bambësch" coordinators and professional "Spielmobile" (roaming games libraries) from all over Europe.

The City of Luxembourg, as part of its unwavering commitment to children and families, organises fun events that promote play and games all year round. "Kanner in the City", "Kannerparade", "Winterkids" and "Spillfest op der Kinnekswiss" all use the learning-through-play approach employed by the CAPEL, where adults and young people engage in playful activities to encourage creativity, spontaneity and respect for different cultures.

Practical information

  • Friday, 2 August 2024, 14:30–17:30: Place d'Armes, Place Guillaume II, Square Jan Palach, Place des Capucins and Place du Puits-Rouge
  • Saturday, 3 August 2024, 14:30–18:30: Place d'Armes, Place Guillaume II and Square Jan Palach
  • Participation is free

This festival is part of the "Summer an der Stad" programme.