Acroche Chantier

Rue de Bonnevoie will be closed for roadworks between Avenue de la Gare and Place Wallis from 6 to 8 July 2024.

The following changes to our AVL bus services will also apply during the works:

Lines 2 and 9

In the direction of Bonnevoie, the "Wallis Quai 4" stop will be closed and replaced by the temporary stop "Avranches Quai 2" located near number 16 on Boulevard d'Avranches, at the junction with Rue du Fort Wallis.

In the direction of the city centre, the "Wallis Quai 3" stop will be closed and replaced by the temporary stop "Avranches Quai 1" located opposite No. 6 on Boulevard d'Avranches.

AVL lines 3, 5 and 33

In the direction of Bonnevoie, the stop "Wallis Quai 2" will be closed and replaced by the stop "Wallis Quai 4".

Travelling towards the city centre, the "Wallis Quai 1" stop will be closed and replaced by the temporary stop "Avranches Quai 1" located opposite number 6 on Boulevard d'Avranches.

AVL line 7

In the direction of Bonnevoie, the "Wallis Quai 1", "Gare Centrale Quai 2", and "Léon XIII Quai 3" stops will be closed and replaced by the "Gare-Rocade Quai 2", "Rotonde Quai 2" and "Léon XIII Quai 2" stops.

Travelling towards Kirchberg, the "Léon XIII Quai 4", "Gare Centrale Quai 1" and "Wallis Quai 2" stops will be closed and replaced by the "Léon XIII Quai 1", "Rotonde Quai 1" and "Gare-Rocade Quai 1" stops.

AVL line 23

In the direction of Luxembourg Central Station, buses will be rerouted via Avenue de la Liberté. The "Al Avenue Quai 2" stop will be closed and replaced by the a temporary stop located opposite number 130 on Boulevard de la Pétrusse.

On Saturday, 6 July 6 2024, in the direction of Stadtgrund, the buses will follow their usual route.

On Sunday, 7 July 2024, line 23 buses will be operating between the Gare district and Clausen via Pulvermuhl–Fetschenhof in both directions due to the Konscht am Gronn art festival.

Stadtgrund will be served by a shuttle service every 30 minutes between "Gare Centrale Quai 1" and "Stadgronn-Bréck", and vice versa.

AVL line 28 (only on Saturday, 6 July)

In the direction of Rocade de Bonnevoie, the "Wallis Quai 4" stop will be closed and replaced by the temporary stop "Avranches Quai 2" located near number 16 on Boulevard d'Avranches, at the junction with Rue du Fort Wallis.

AVL line 29

In the direction of Hesperange ("Cité um Schlass"), the "Wallis Quai 1" and "Gare Centrale Quai 2" stops will be closed and replaced by the "Gare-Rocade Quai 2" stop.

Travelling to the airport and Senningerberg, the buses will follow their usual route.

AVL line CN8

The "Wallis Quai 1" stop will be closed and replaced by the temporary stop "Avranches Quai 1" located opposite number 6 on Boulevard d'Avranches.