Parrainage de parterres d’arbres

In March 2021, the City of Luxembourg launched the "Tree Officer Programme", which was a resounding success. As part of the programme, participants care for tree beds along their streets. It is aimed in particular at people who do not have their own garden or balcony and those who wish to use a tree bed in front of their house as an extension of their own garden.

Aside from the social benefit of encouraging conversation with passers-by, the environmental component of this project is also key: not only do streets look greener and more welcoming with floral decorations, but the city's districts are rejuvenated, quality of life improves and biodiversity is allowed to flourish.

If you want to take part in the project and adopt a tree bed, contact the City of Luxembourg's Service Parcs (Parks Department) (parcs@vdl.lu / Tel. 4796-2365, Monday to Friday between 7:00 and 16:00) and tell us which street you live on and which tree you would like to adopt.