
The municipal council, on the recommendation of its grants committee, awards three types of grants to associations:

  • Associations that have been established in Luxembourg City for at least one year and are recognised by the College of Aldermen may receive a general grant. They are required to submit an annual report. The following factors are taken into account in calculating the amount of this grant:
    • the number of active members and association activities;
    • the number of activities for young people and the elderly;
    • the expenses related to these activities;
    • material support and other services received from the City;
    • cash flow;
    • the growth of the association compared to previous years.
  • One-time grants are awarded for events organised in Luxembourg City that are of a certain size and hold particular relevance for the City. Applications for one-time grants must include a detailed statement of revenue and expenditure.
  • Special grants are awarded to associations and companies whose activity has been recognised as being charitable by the College of Aldermen.

Applications should be sent to: Collège des bourgmestre et échevins, L-2090 Luxembourg.

Data protection (GDPR)

Information notice

In accordance with the laws on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, the City of Luxembourg reminds users that data and information sent in support of a subsidy application for an association are subject to processing by the Service Jeunesse et intervention sociale (Youth and Social Intervention Department).

Data and information are processed in order to track and assess the application.

Personal data and information are retained for as long as necessary to accomplish this.

Data must be processed in order for the municipal authorities to perform the public service duties entrusted to them under the amended municipal law of 13 December 1988 (Loi communale modifiée du 13 décembre 1988).

The data is sent to the members and officials of the Service Jeunesse et intervention sociale, the grants committee and the Luxembourg City College of Aldermen.

For more information, please contact the data protection officer or the data controller:

Data Protection Officer

42, Place Guillaume II
L-1648 Luxembourg

City of Luxembourg municipal administration

42, Place Guillaume II
L-1648 Luxembourg

You enjoy:

  • the right to access, rectify or, where applicable, the right to restrict the processing of your data.
  • the right to object to processing, with proof of legitimate reasons.

To lodge a complaint, you may also contact the National Commission for Data Protection (Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données – CDPD): 

1, avenue du Rock'n Roll, L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette.