Extra-curricular activities

Children who attend public primary school in Luxembourg City can participate in the following extra-curricular activities:

Childcare centre activities

As far as possible, children are given priority admission to the city's foyers scolaires (childcare centres), usually located in the immediate vicinity of the schools. After school, the children are picked up by staff from the childcare centres. Childcare centres are certified by the ministry, set their rates according to the childcare voucher system, and are open until 18:30 to care for children outside of school hours.


  • Every year, the Service Enseignement (Education Department) draws up a list of plays and other cultural events presented by the city's cultural institutions and the Rotondes that are likely to be of interest to pupils in the context of their education.
  • The Théâtre National de Luxembourg (TNL) (only in FR) gives young people spaces to be creative, runs introductory sessions, workshops and debate evenings, and holds events where young people get to meet artists who are working on prestigious productions.

    The "Kanner op d'Bühn!" (Children on Stage) project at the TNL combines exploration and creativity. This programme for children aged 8 to 11 introduces them to the world of theatre and its crafts through workshops led by actors, directors, set designers, costume designers and lighting designers. During the last term of the school year, these presentations are followed by the creation of a show, which is performed for the public in June. The TNL also offers a similar activity for young people aged 12 to 18, called "Maach Theater!"


Luxembourg City's Cinémathèque offers screenings for school classes of films for youth audiences, and every Sunday at 15:00 it hosts "Cinema Paradiso": a varied programme of films with screenings for young movie lovers (aged 3 to 11), animated films worth watching time and again, and must-see classics for the whole family.


The Municipal Library houses a collection of children's books, audio books, DVDs and other publications in French, German and English. These can be borrowed by children who live in the Grand Duchy; their parents may sign them up for a free library card.

The library also runs activities and interactive readings for children aged 4 to 8 (22 participants maximum) every Saturday from 10:30 to 11:30.


  • Haus vun der Natur (nature centre) in Kockelscheuer: The Département activités-nature (Nature Activities Division) of the Service Enseignement organises activities involving exploration and experimentation in nature, bringing children into contact with nature in the real world as a way to introduce them to the sciences.

  • The Panda Club plans recreational activities and a number of excursions for children aged 6 to 10: Nature camps, trips abroad, and visits to natural reserves, zoos and parks. These workshops, which focus on the environment, aim to teach children about nature, animals and plants.
    The children draw, do handicrafts, and use magnifying glasses, optical microscopes and other equipment to observe the world around them. 
  • They visit the "natur musée" to learn all about natural history and the sciences. This museum houses permanent and temporary exhibitions that never fail to delight and instruct visitors. The National Museum of Natural History (Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle) holds the largest zoological, botanical, palaeontological and minerological collections in the country.
    The brochure "Rallye duerch den natur musée" (available at the entrance to the museum) is a guide for young visitors to the different exhibitions, where they can learn all about the solar system, volcanoes, fossils, dinosaurs, wild animals, and much more.


  • The Centre Verdi offers a music education programme that supplements the classes offered in school, introduces pupils to different musical instruments and guides them as they explore their own musical talent, listen to music, learn to appreciate its meaning and rhythm, as well as sing and dance. The knowledge acquired at school is further developed through educational concerts prepared and organised by Centre Verdi staff.
  • The Luxembourg Philharmonie schedules concerts and workshops tailored to children and teenagers. The diverse line-ups are each tailored to suit different age groups, from 0 to 17 years old.


  • The Art à l'Ecole (Art at School) creativity workshops are held in the afternoons from early October to Easter; the teachers will provide information about the different activities.
    Through workshops that aim to stimulate spontaneous, free expression, children are introduced to drawing, etching, collage, modelling, assembly and spontaneous creativity techniques. They are guided by qualified staff, and a selection of the children's artwork is used in the calendar published every year by the association.
  • To encourage children and youths to explore its current exhibitions and permanent collections, the Luxembourg City Museum schedules a generous programme of activities that complement the school curriculum. These workshops are also geared towards extra-curricular groups. The tours and workshops take participants on an entertaining, lively and interactive journey through the different periods that have shaped Luxembourg City's history. The workshops include both theoretical and hands-on components.
    Children can also host their birthday parties at the museum.
  • Through its MUDAMINI programme, Mudam (Museum of Modern Art) educates visitors aged 3 to 12 about modern art in a range of ways: guided tours, workshops on the current exhibitions, and a tour that includes activities and guessing games to allow children to find out more about the exhibition. Membership is free.
    During school holidays, children can view the exhibitions and earn their own qualification as a guide. They can then return with their parents and friends and give them guided tours.
  • The Musée Dräi Eechelen also holds a variety of children's workshops.
  • Villa Vauban is open to children aged 5 and up, offering thematic tours and workshops for families, schools and extra-curricular structures, on request.
    Children can also hold their birthday parties there, inviting friends to join them for a fun tour of Villa Vauban and a creative workshop.


ikl – Interkulturell aims to promote social values in Luxembourg by organising educational projects, intercultural activities, workshops and training sessions for primary and secondary schools.

Many topics are addressed, and children learn to discuss subjects such as openness to diversity, migration, intercultural skills, social cohesion, refugees, global citizenship and much more.


The Ligue des Associations Sportives de l'Enseignement primaire (LASEP, League of Primary Education Athletic Associations) offers weekly athletic activities for children who attend primary school in Luxembourg City. These activities are held during free afternoons and led by qualified teachers and instructors.

Contact details

275, rue d'Itzig
L-1815 Luxembourg

Road safety training

Road safety training is carried out in cooperation with the Grand Ducal Police at the Jardin de Circulation in Dommeldange.

There are different courses geared toward children in Cycles 2.1 to 4.2 (pedestrian safety training, teaching modules on cycling, road safety education, etc.). Classes are held throughout the school year and taught by civil servants from the Grand Ducal Police.

Contact details

22, rue de la Cimenterie
L-1337 Luxembourg


  • Déi kleng Fuerscher ASBL (Little Researchers) is an association that aims to help children aged 5 to 10 analyse everyday phenomena in a scientific manner. At workshops, afternoon classes and other events, children independently conduct experiments in order to answer their questions about the physical world.

  • The Science Club offers recreational activities for children aged 11 to 18 in all scientific and technological fields.

    The activities are coordinated by the National Museum of Natural History and run in partnership with FJSL (Fondation Jeunes Scientifiques Luxembourg), PINS (Projets Interactifs Scientifiques), the University and the FNR (National Research Fund). As part of this programme, young people can participate in guided scientific work, science experiments, regular visits to research laboratories, launches of scientific projects that are tailored to a young audience and science camps, and they have the opportunity to meet real scientists.