Public pianos

As part of "My Urban Piano Luxembourg", public pianos are set up all over the city: anyone can sit down and play a tune. The aim is to encourage people to gather around the pianos to make and enjoy music together.

The pianos are decorated by youth centres, foyers scolaires, schools and clubs from Luxembourg City.

This project is an interactive event that takes place every year and is modelled on other annual public piano projects staged in capital cities around the world.

2024 programme

To liven up the streets of the city, 19 pianos were set up all across town from 16 May to 18 June 2024: you could find them in the city's public squares, parks, and tourist spots, as well as a range of other places.

Gare, multi-use sports hall – Rue de Strasbourg

  • Decorated by: HoGa Guiden a Scouten
  • Sponsor: City of Luxembourg, Service Sports

Bonnevoie – Rotondes

  • Decorated by: Foyer Scolaire Gare-Précoce
  • Sponsor: Rotondes

Gasperich – Ban de Gasperich Park

  • Decorated by: Foyer Scolaire Gasperich
  • Sponsor: Déierenasyl

Merl-Belair – Merl Park

  • Decorated by: Day Center Ligue HMC
  • Sponsor: Restaurant Pavillon

City centre – Edith Klein Park

  • Decorated by: Foyer Scolaire Kiem 4
  • Sponsor: City of Luxembourg, Service Jeunesse et intervention sociale

City centre – Cercle Cité

  • Decorated by: Limpi Klimpis of the Foyer Henri VII Limpertsberg
  • Sponsor: Cercle Cité Luxembourg

City centre – Plateau du Saint-Esprit, elevator to the Grund

  • Decorated by: Centre Hospitalier Luxembourg, Service de Soins Palliatifs
  • Sponsor: Public Building Administration

City centre – Centre du Rham

  • Decorated by: undecorated grand piano
  • Sponsor: Servior – Op der Rhum

City centre – Bockfiels

  • Decorated by: Foyer Noémie – Solina Solidarité Jeunes ASBL
  • Sponsor: INPA – Institut national pour le patrimoine architectural

City centre – Lëtzebuerg City Museum

  • Decorated by: Foyer Scolaire Bonnevoie Verger
  • Sponsor: City of Luxembourg, Luxembourg City Municipal Museums

City centre – Place Guillaume II

  • Decorated by: Maison des Jeunes Sandweiler Inter-Actions ASBL
  • Sponsor: BEET

City centre – Place du Théâtre

  • Decorated by: Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise – Bistrot social Uewerstad
  • Sponsor: Kumpir – The Happy Potato

Clausen/Pfaffenthal – Youth Hostel

  • Decorated by: Maison des Jeunes Bonnevoie
  • Sponsor: Luxembourg City Youth Hostel

Pfaffenthal – elevator to Ville Haute

  • Decorated by: Foyer Scolaire Hollerich – Précoce
  • Sponsor: Parkolux

Kirchberg – Parc des Trois Glands

  • Decorated by: Foyer Scolaire Cents Knaff
  • Sponsor: Hotel Meliá

Luxembourg Airport

  • Decorated by: Foyer Scolaire Bonnevoie Schlechter
  • Sponsor: Lux-Airport, Société de l’Aéroport de Luxembourg SA

Kirchberg – Pfaffenthal funicular

  • Decorated by: Foyer Scolaire Cessange – Cycles 2-4
  • Sponsor: Luxembourg National Railway Company (CFL)

Limpertsberg – Grand Théâtre

  • Decorated by: Foyer Scolaire Dommeldange
  • Sponsor: Luxembourg City municipal theatres

Limpertsberg – Tramschapp

  • Decorated by: Heemelsdéiercher Kanner an Jugendkouer vum Lampertsbierg
  • Sponsor: City of Luxembourg, Service Sports


Send us your videos: Win gift vouchers!

From 16 May to 18 June 2024, if you posted a video of a mini concert or other piano-related performance to Facebook or YouTube with the hashtags #luxembourgcity and #myurbanpiano2024, you had the chance to win a €150, €250 or €500 gift voucher donated by the City of Luxembourg.