Art and culture
LUGA 2025 - Mise en casemates cuvée

On Thursday, 16 November 2023, 6,000 bottles of the Cuvée Millésime Crémant LUGA 2025 were placed into storage at the Fort Royal casemates, across from the Kinnekswiss in the municipal park. The Luxembourg City mayor and representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development (Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Viticulture et du Développement rural) attended the event.

The Cuvée Millésime Crémant LUGA 2025 is the product of a collaboration between the organisation Frënn vun der Festungsgeschicht Lëtzebuerg, the Fonds de Solidarité Viticole and the three Moselle winegrower groups – the Organisation Professionnelle des Vignerons Indépendants, the Domaines Vinsmoselle and the Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Vins et Spiritueux – with support from LEADER Miselerland, the Wine Institute (Institut viti-vinicole – IVV) and LUGA. It will be stored in the Fort Royal casements under carefully controlled temperature and atmospheric pressure conditions until the official opening of the LUGA national exhibition of urban gardens and landscape, agricultural and living environment installations, which will run from May to October 2025 in Luxembourg.

This special vintage was developed from grapes from the various winegrower groups, under the supervision of the maître de chai (cellar master) of the Wine Institute in Remich, and is an example of a collaborative effort between winegrowers and oenologists.

Guided tours as part of the LUGA pre-exhibition programme, "Sow in 2023 – Harvest in 2025" (Semer en 2023, récolter en 2025)

Starting in 2024, as part of the LUGA pre-exhibition programme, Frënn vun der Festungsgeschicht Lëtzebuerg will be offering free guided tours revealing the intricate history of the city's "underground" heritage and the secrets to producing crémant, one of the flagship products of Luxembourg's winegrowing region, the Moselle.