
from 27.06 at 19:00
to 15.09 at 19:00 - 2024


Cercle Cité
Place d'Armes
L-1136 Luxembourg

With the CeCiL's Box, the Cercle Cité supports local creation by presenting and promoting the work of emerging and young artists from the Greater Region in one of its shop windows in the Rue du Curé. This mini exhibition space, visible 7 days a week, day and night, offers a street-side location in the heart of the city to a series of original and ephemeral interventions from the plastic and applied arts, with the aim of arousing the curiosity of passers-by and questioning the collective imagination.

The 33rd intervention, entrusted to artist Étienne Duval, is entitled 7:00 - 22:00.


The recent ban on begging in Luxembourg Upper City from 7.00 am to 10.00 pm is the starting point for the installation entitled "7:00 - 22:00".

The main element is a continuous 24-hour video. From 7.00 am to 10.00 pm, passers-by can observe a person engaged in discreet begging actions: she gestures to them or hold out her hand to them. From 10.00 pm to 7.00 am in the morning, the video shows the same figure sleeping.

By providing an artistic presence in the context of a legal absence, "7:00 - 22:00" makes a modest attempt to repair a social failing. A system of calls for donations enables empathetic passers-by to act immediately by supporting associations that help the most destitute.

This installation sets out to provoke empathy and to initiate a dialogue concerning social challenges in our public spaces.


To support Stëmm vun der Stroos, you can make a bank transfer to account number LU63 0019 2100 0888 3000. More information on

To support Caritas, you can make a transfer to account number LU63 0019 1000 4075 9000. More information on


We invite you to meet-up with the artist in front of the CeCiL's Box on Thursday June 27 at 12:00.

Share your images on Facebook and Instagram! #cecilsbox

Organisation: Cercle Cité

Programmation: Marion Vergin and Iyoshi Kreutz

Dates and times

Jeudi 2024
27.06 à 19:00 au 15.09