
on 13.03.2025 from 19:00 to 20:43


Abtei Neimënster
rue Münster, 28
.From ECHO.luCharlène FAVIER, 103 min, 2024 - France, Hungary
July 23, 2018. An important date for ex-FEMEN leader Oxana Chatchko – the opening of her exhibition of blasphemous icons. So begins a day of wandering across Paris. Amidst encounters with lovers and an art critic, and an appointment to confirm her political refugee status, memories of her past as a feminist activist, and the traumas and betrayals suffered during her fight, resurface. Can she reawaken her desire to live?

Prices and bookings

9.5 € Ticket
7 € Tarif réduit / Discount
1.5 € Kulturpass

Dates and times

Jeudi 2025
13.03 de 19:00 à 20:43