Place d'Armes
L-1136 Luxembourg
In the era of #MeToo, cinema has become the focal point of numerous controversies. However, feminists are not the only ones raising concerns; anti-racist activists, for example, do as well. How should we deal with films, directors, and actors facing criticism? How can we avoid the dilemma of either banning films and artists or ignoring social issues in cinema, as if it existed in a vacuum? Are trigger warnings the solution, or do they merely exclude audiences along with their objections? While they may be necessary to protect viewers from traumatic exposure, they cannot address all issues. A possible solution lies in contextualizing rather than decontextualizing. Films never exist in isolation. Industry professionals always shape the discourse around the works they present. Today, this discourse cannot ignore societal debates and controversies, as doing so would risk alienating audiences. Moderated by Eric Fassin., sociologist
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