Schedules and real-time departures
Ligne T1 - BONNEVOIE, Lycée Bouneweg - KIRCHBERG, Luxexpo
Tram line with 24 stops
The tram connects the airport with the Stade de Luxembourg and serves 24 stops:
- Findel – Luxembourg Airport
- Héienhaff P+R
- Luxexpo (transfer hub with buses and future P+R)
- Alphonse Weicker
- Nationalbibliothéik / Bibliothèque nationale (National Library)
- Universitéit (University)
- Coque
- Europaparlement / Parlement européen (European Parliament)
- Philharmonie – Mudam
- Rout Bréck – Pafendall (transfer hub with buses and the new CFL Pfaffenthal-Kirchberg train station)
- Theater
- Faïencerie
- Stäreplaz/Étoile
- Hamilius
- Place de Metz
- Place de Paris
- Luxembourg Central Station
- Leschte Steiwer/Dernier Sol
- Lycée Bouneweg
- Scillas
- Howald Gare
- Lycée Vauban
- Waassertuerm
- Stadion
Luxtram SA
The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure (Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures) and the City of Luxembourg established Luxtram S.A. for the specific purpose of carrying out the planning, development, construction and operation of a tram line in Luxembourg City.
The share capital of Luxtram S.A. is €6 million, which is held entirely by the Luxembourg government (€4 million) and the City of Luxembourg (€2 million).
Luxembourg City departments involved in the tram project
Central administration
- Service Cimetières (Cemeteries Department): technical interfaces and access to Glacis Cemetery
- Service Événements, fêtes et marchés (Department of Events, Festivals and Markets): Coordination of surveys and worksites for Schueberfouer installations and other events in the city
- Service technologies de l'information et de la communication – TIC (Information and Communication Technologies Department): Network diversion and reinforcement for ICT; optical fibre to CRM, SLT optical fibre, WLAN system at CRM, Hotcity in station
- Service Communication et relations publiques (Communications and Public Relations Department): Internal and external communication, relations with Luxtram and the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure
- Bibliothèque (City Library): BNL survey and worksite coordination
- Les 2 Musées (municipal museums): preparation of Section B work sites at Villa Vauban
- Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg (municipal theatres): Grand Théâtre survey and worksite coordination
Land use planning
- Direction du géomètre (Survey Directorate)
- Service Parcs (Parks Department): Section B survey and worksite coordination
- Service Topographie-Géomatique (Topography and Geomatics Department): data sharing
- Direction de l'architecte (Architecture Directorate)
- Service Architecture-Maintenance (Architecture-Maintenance Department): coordination with the Grand Théâtre
- Service Bâtiments (Buildings Department): coordination with the Grand Théâtre
- Service Urbanisme (Urban Planning Department): permit applications related to the redevelopment of the surrounding area
Technical works
- Direction Énergie-Environnement (Energy and Environment Directorate)
- Service Canalisation (Sewer Department): system diversion and reinforcement
- Service Eaux (Water Department): system diversion and reinforcement
- Service Énergie (Energy Department): system diversion and reinforcement
- Service Hygiène (Sanitation Department): system diversion and reinforcement
- Direction Génie civil – Constructions (Civil Engineering – Construction Directorate)
- Service Coordination des chantiers (Work Site Coordination Department): Coordination and scheduling of works in Luxembourg City
- Service Éclairage public (Public Lighting Department): system diversion and reinforcement
- Services Ouvrages d'art (Civil Engineering Department): coordination with the Schuman car park
- Service Voirie (Roads Department): coordination of surveys and construction work, road permits for carrying out the work
- Direction Mobilité (Transport Directorate)
- Service Autobus (Bus Department): work site organisation, ITCS (operation and maintenance of the ITCS system)
- Service Circulation (Traffic Department): coordination and organisation of worksites, SLT planning and maintenance; road permits for carrying out the work