Luxembourg City Tourist Office

The Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO) is your first stop for tourist and cultural information in Luxembourg City. It offers a wide range of services and tips to get you started on your discovery of the Grand-Duchy's capital city.

For comprehensive information on guided tours, the Casemates, tourist attractions, events, accommodation, and restaurants, please go to the reception desk of the Luxembourg City Tourist Office at Place Guillaume II in the city centre, or visit our website.

Youth hostel

The Luxembourg City youth hostel is managed by the Centrale des Auberges de Jeunesse (Luxembourg Youth Hostel Association). It is open all year round and has 240 beds (50 rooms, of which 38 have en suite showers and toilets). Breakfast and meals are served. The reception desk is open 24/7.

QuattroPole – four neighbouring cities

Luxembourg City is part of the QuattroPole city network. Four cities in three countries: Luxembourg, Metz, Saarbrücken and Trier. All just an hour's drive from each other.

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