
on 06.07.2024 from 11:00 to 17:00


rue de l’abattoir
L-1111 Luxembourg

Florence Hoffmann, Pascale Behrens and Séverine Peiffer offer workshops in engraving, collage, printing and various photographic techniques, including cyano-type, pinhole and lumen print. Go on a creative journey through different workshops to create unique self-portraits and images by using different techniques.

Unleash your creativity with simple tools and discover new techniques. Join us for a convivial time and learn how to create beautiful series and unique photos without the need for a camera or special printing presses.

Practical details

- Address: 5, rue de l'Abattoir, L-1111 Luxembourg

- Schedule: 11am - 5pm

- Access: P R Bouillon / AVL line 15 (Schluechthaus station)

- Free Entry

- Min age: 16 years | 15 participants maximum

- Please register by email:

Dates and times

Samedi 2024
06.07 de 11:00 à 17:00