
from 17.04 at 19:00
to 28.07 at 19:00 - 2024


École de danses latines Danse-Salsa
rue d'Eich
L-1461 Luxembourg

earn to play the djembe [all levels] with your Yolé teacher Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

The first trial lesson is free.

We kindly ask you to reserve your place by filling out our form.

Course description

Regular djembe practice contributes to group cohesion through listening.

The djembe makes you think about the heartbeat and helps to memorize different rhythms, as well as coordination.

The percussion has a calming and anti-stress effect.

You'll be more confident with concentration, listening and creativity.

The collective aspect of this art also develops sociability.

Thanks to the richness of its rhythms, the djembe takes us on a journey to discover new horizons, both musically and culturally.

The learning always comes with explanations on the history and customs linked to African culture.

You will learn to make your instrument speak like a live being.

Dates and times

Mercredi 2024
17.04 à 19:00 au 28.07