Youth forum: concept
Since 2003, the City of Luxembourg has regularly organised youth forums to involve young people in shaping programmes and initiatives aimed at them.
To encourage more young people to join in this participatory project, a new concept has been developed since the 2014/2015 forums.
2022/2023 edition
The City of Luxembourg regularly organises youth forums to create dialogue with young people.
Now's the time to make your voice heard! Come and tell us what you expect from your city: we want to hear from you!
Are you aged between 12 and 26? Join us at one of the events organised in your neighbourhood to talk about what you want and need. All the ideas and information shared at these forums will be collected and analysed.
The results, analyses and proposals will then be presented by a group of young people to the municipal council, with a view to the concrete implementation of the initiatives and projects drawn up.

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Contact details
Service Jeunesse et Intervention Sociale
L-2090 Luxembourg
- Tel. : 4796-4279
- Fax : 26203260
2017/2018 forum – Lëtz'discuss: become the voice of your city
2014/2015 forum – Megaforum
Following a series of twenty or so smaller meetings, a huge "megaforum" was organised on 14 November 2015 at the Rotondes in Luxembourg.
The "megaforum" brought together some 35 young people from different mini-forums and other interested young people. Together, they led more in-depth discussions about certain subjects in order to present them to the political authorities and to the heads of various City departments.
Three working groups focused on the following topics:
A. My City, my neighbourhood – traffic and beautification
B. What I want – new infrastructure needs
C. My future in the city – training, work, housing
Afterwards, representatives from each working group presented their findings to City officials, who came to hear the young people's ideas with great interest.
It was noted that a "youth forum" is an excellent tool to encourage discussions between young people and the political authorities, and that the initiative should be repeated on a regular basis.