Living together, travelling together!

To mark the annual European Mobility Week, the City of Luxembourg, the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works (Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics), Luxtram, the CFL, Info-Handicap and other partners are launching an outreach campaign called "Vivons ensemble, bougeons ensemble !" (Living together, travelling together!).

This media campaign was launched in 2021 to promote consideration for others, civic-mindedness and solidarity among users of public transport services. Just like last year, the focus of this year's campaign is on interaction and communication among users of public transport services. Through four key messages illustrating the motto of "Living together, travelling together", the campaign encourages us to be more mindful of the needs of other passengers, and of how small acts of kindness and consideration can make for a more pleasant travel experience for everyone.

This campaign shows a number of different public transport users without discrimination. Among these passengers are someone in a wheelchair, an elderly person, a parent with a pushchair, and a person living with disabilities that are invisible to the people around them. Each act of kindness and assistance can change the way passengers experience their trip, be it by bus, tram, funicular or train.

The campaign is being rolled out across various media (posters, videos, stories, etc.) and will be present on social media until mid-October. The campaign will also be visible on public transport as well as at train stations, bus stops, tram stops and the airport.

The organisers of the campaign and their partners believe that this campaign will help to make the public all more aware of the various special needs of those around us and, as such, encourage all passengers to show small and inclusive acts of kindness in the spirit of the slogan, "Living together, travelling together!"

Design for All

In keeping with the "Design for All" concept, the campaign meets accessibility criteria such as easy-to-understand messages and high-contrast colours to enhance readability.

A description of the campaign is also available in plain language (only in French and German).
