
To cater to the needs of Luxembourg City residents, businesses and restaurants as fully as possible, the City employs two construction mediators: Nelly Gomes and Flavio Borracci. Their task is to liaise between the local population and teams involved in works being carried out in Luxembourg City. When a local resident or business operator is experiencing a problem in connection with works being undertaken in Luxembourg City, the mediators will get in touch with their contacts in the City of Luxembourg's various departments to gather information and resolve the issue.

The City's two construction mediators are open to all suggestions on how to improve any objectionable situations that may arise when works are being undertaken in the city. They also help facilitate the exchange of information between residents and the City, and are on hand to receive residents at the reception desk on Rue Notre-Dame. They pass on residents' complaints to work-site supervisors and keep the public updated on the progress of works, as well as on any changes that may arise as works progress, especially as they affect traffic and public transport services.

The visible presence of the City's construction mediators in and around Luxembourg City also reflects the City's commitment to full transparency when it comes to providing information about works being undertaken in the city, and to promoting dialogue with residents.

Reduce nuisances and facilitate acceptance of works

Works can be an inconvenience for residents and road users…

As part of their efforts to reduce nuisances and make works less of a burden to residents and business owners, the City's construction mediators regularly attend work-site meetings to sensitise contractors to inconveniences that their works can cause.

To minimise the impact of works being undertaken in Luxembourg City, the City's Service Coordination des chantiers (Work-Site Coordination Department – SERCO) works closely with various other City departments – especially the Service Circulation (Traffic Department) – to establish phasing and traffic plans. This is done with a view to minimising disruptions to local traffic, and to ensure, insofar as possible, that pedestrians and delivery drivers can continue to go about their business without interruption. Nevertheless, works may sometime have to be carried out in front of the entrance to a garage, or on the pavement, in which case a suitable detour will be put in place. When works are likely to prevent residents from using their garages, they will be promptly notified. Pedestrian access to private property will always be maintained and, if necessary, a temporary walkway will be installed.

If you have any questions

For questions and complaints, our construction mediators can be contacted at

  • 13, rue Notre-Dame
    L-2240 Luxembourg


Why are there so many work projects going on at the same time, in the same district?

Since all public utilities networks serving a district are generally installed at the same time, and since they all have a limited optimal lifespan, they often become obsolete at the same time.

Why are these works necessary?

  • obsolete networks and piping,
  • upgrades to networks and piping,
  • maintenance and upgrades to achieve compliance with new legislation and technologies,
  • improve safety and end-user comfort,
  • emergency works in response to failures or leaks,
  • road maintenance works (paving, etc.),
  • new connections or connection upgrades for privately owned buildings,
  • improve quality of life for local residents.

Organisation of works

Whenever possible, the City tries to group together the works that need to be carried out by different contractors into a single works project – known as "coordinated works" – to limit the duration of the works, optimise costs, and minimise constraints. For small- and medium-scale works, the City prepares a phasing plan to ensure that access for pedestrians and motorists is maintained.

The City also organises information meetings and employs two construction mediators to improve the exchange of information between residents and the City, gather suggestions, forward complaints to work-site supervisors, and keep the public updated on the progress of ongoing works, and on any changes that may arise as works progress, especially as they affect traffic and public transport services.

Works can be impacted by a number of different factors

  • unforeseen events, works that suddenly become necessary, and therefore could not be scheduled in advance,
  • bad weather,
  • nationwide events,
  • legally required administrative procedures (e.g. the law on public markets),
  • emergencies.

Why is it that there is sometimes no activity on work sites?

  • water pipe works require water-pressure + bacteriological testing,
  • gas pipe works require gas pressure testing,
  • bad weather,
  • time required to ensure that certain works have been carried out properly,
  • time required for certain materials to dry,
  • safety reasons, or risks of danger,
  • waiting for other contractors to commence works.

Why are utilities turned on, shut off and then turned on again?

  • when works are phased, the works are carried out in phases to maintain safe and convenient access for people with reduced mobility, pedestrians, users of active travel options, and the emergency services,
  • temporary pipework that will subsequently be replaced by permanent pipework,
  • procedure: laying of sheathing pipes and pulling of electric cables,
  • connections to private properties once main piping has been laid,
  • events: public holidays, fairs and markets, sporting events, etc.

How long will the works last?

A theoretical duration is calculated for each work site. This duration is calculated based on the contractual duration (expressed as a number of working days), plus any public holidays. Bad weather and unforeseen events can also prolong initially planned durations.

Moving house while works are in progress... What should I do?

This information must be communicated to the work-site coordinator as early as possible. The earlier they receive this information, the easier it will be for them to organise the works. Contact details for all works currently in progress can be found on the City of Luxembourg website at Works currently in progress".

Will I always be able to access my home?

The City is committed to making residents' daily lives as easy as possible. However, in some cases, due to the nature of works to be carried out, residents may not be able to reach their property by car. In that case, the affected residents will be promptly notified. However, pedestrian access will always be maintained.

Can I get another parking permit?

The City does not issue "special works" permits. The traffic code applies at all times, and must always be observed. No exceptions are made for works.

How can my rubbish be removed if the street is not accessible?

The City's Service Hygiène (Sanitation Department) continues to empty residents' bins while works are being carried out. However, where a road is inaccessible to vehicular traffic, it is the contractor's responsibility to make sure waste is removed. In general, the contractor will move rubbish bins to a place that is accessible to the Service Hygiène's trucks. However, residents must put out their rubbish bins on time so as not to miss the waste collection trucks.

What can I do if I find that my property has been damaged after the works are completed?

Any damage that is identified during the works must be reported in writing to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen. In general, a complete inspection of the surroundings is carried out before the works begin, and the findings are recorded in a pre-works inspection report. Upon completion of the works, another inspection is carried out, and the findings are recorded in a post-works inspection report. Except in the case of emergencies, no action can be taken before the works are completed.

Don't see the answer to your question?

Feel free to contact the mediators directly. They will be able to assist you in finding a solution!