
Trente années d'observations sur les migrations des oiseaux de la faune Luxembourgeoise : Années 1863 à 1894 / par Alphonse de la Fontaine / par Fr. Reuter-Chomé

The Léon de la Fontaine family burial monument is a new style of monument representing a bench made from granite and bronze. The family crest occupies the centre of the monument, which is topped by a chapel featuring a gothic-style vault. The vault itself is topped by a spandrel bearing a Celtic cross. The hooks are meant for wreaths laid in honour of the deceased.

The tomb holds relatives of François Joseph Albert Léon de la Fontaine, who was born on 18 November 1819, and died on 5 February 1892. He was the son of Gaspard Théodore Ignace de La Fontaine (1787-1871), who was governor of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg from 1841 to 1848, First President of the Council in 1848, and the brother of Luxembourg poet Edmond de La Fontaine (1823-1891). A lawyer by training, Léon de la Fontaine was a member of the 1848 Constituante assembly. In 1866 he occupied the position of Director-General of Finances. At the time of the signing of the Second Treaty of London on 11 May 1867, he held the position of Director-General of Justice. That same year, he became a corresponding member of the Société des Sciences naturelles (Natural Sciences Society), the precursor of today's natural sciences, physics and mathematics section of the Grand Ducal Institute.

In 1851, Léon de la Fontaine married Anne-Marie Jos. Collart, the daughter of a forgemaster, Charles Joseph Collart of Dommeldange. Their son, Charles Théodore, was born on 7 February 1852. He died on 16 September 1929 and is also interred in the family tomb. He was joined by his wife in 1937. Théodore de la Fontaine was a member of the Chamber of Deputies from 1896 to 1901. His son, Jean-Marie, was born on 19 July 1897 and died on 25 March 1970. He, too, is interred in the family tomb. Jean-Marie de la Fontaine was the owner of the ruins of Château de Septfontaines. Barbe Jungblut's husband was the founder of the Société luxembourgeoise pour la protection des animaux (Luxembourg Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).

Léon de la Fontaine's daughter, Marie A. Joséphine, was born on 24 August 1854 and was married to a baron, Colonel Anatole de Blarer de Wartensee, the scion of an aristocratic Swiss family. She died in Paris on 5 November 1919, and her remains were repatriated to Luxembourg City. She and her husband are both interred in this tomb.

Alphonse de la Fontaine, the brother of the national poet, Edmond de la Fontaine, and Léon de la Fontaine, was born on 5 July 1825, in Luxembourg City. After completing his studies at the Athénée de Luxembourg, he enrolled in forestry school in Nancy. In 1848, the young engineer was promoted to the position of Assistant Head Forester, and in 1851 to the position of Chief Forestry Officer. In 1854, he changed career path and took up the position of Commissioner for the district of Grevenmacher, and later for the district of Luxembourg. In 1893, he accepted the position of Government Commissioner to the Banque Internationale à Luxembourg. Alphonse de la Fontaine went down in history as the founder of the Société des Sciences naturelles in 1853. From 1864 to 1896, he served as curator of the society's collections and was actively involved in promoting the creation of a national museum with a natural science section. He was known for the scientific articles he published in the "Bulletin de la Société des sciences naturelles" (Natural Sciences Society Bulletin).

In 1861, Alphonse de La Fontaine was made Knight of the Order of the Oak Crown by the King-Grand Duke, and in 1871, an Officer of the same order. In “1882”, he was made Knight of the Austrian Order of Franz Joseph by the Emperor of Austria. Works published by Léon de La Fontaine include: “Notiz zu ‘Polypodium aculeatum, Linné’”. (An den botanischen Verein zu Luxemburg). “Recueil des Mémoires et des Travaux publiés par la Société botanique du G.-D. de Luxembourg, 9-10” (1883-1884); “Notiz zu Asplenium germanicum”, Weis. “Recueil des Mémoires et des Travaux publiés par la Société botanique du G.-D. de Luxembourg, 11” (1885-1886); “Notice sur les Fougères de la flore luxembourgeoise.” “Recueil des Mémoires et des Travaux publiés par la Société botanique du G.-D. de Luxembourg (1885-1886).” “Works published by Alphonse de La Fontaine include: 1865-1872. “Faune du pays de Luxembourg ou Manuel de zoologie contenant la description des animaux vertébrés observés dans le pays de Luxembourg”, Luxembourg (1865-1872); “Trente années d'observations sur les migrations des oiseaux de la aune Luxembourgeoise: Années 1863 à 1894”, in Publications de l'Institut grand-ducal de Luxembourg, section Sciences naturelles et mathématiques”, Luxembourg, 1897; Histoire d'un loup hydrophobe: d'après des documents officiels”, Extract from : “Publications de l'Institut royal grand-ducal, section Sciences naturelles”, Luxembourg, 1874.}