You can now read the latest information from the census conducted on 31 December 2024. The document "État de la population au 31.12.2024" (only available in French) provides an overview of key data (age, gender ratio, different nationalities, number of foreign nationals, population changes, etc.) regarding Luxembourg City's residents, as well as a breakdown per district. The figures from previous years (2018–2023) are also given to facilitate comparisons.
- As at 31 December 2024, Luxembourg City's population was 136,208 (compared to 134,714 on the same date in 2023). Of this figure, 65,772 (48.29%) were women and 70,436 (51.71%) were men.
- The city has residents hailing from 169 different countries; Luxembourgers account for 29.87% of its population.
- There were 1,185 births (almost the same as the previous year: 1,197) and 647 deaths.
- In terms of new residents, 4,304 people moved to the city from another Luxembourg municipality (compared to 4,304 last year) and 14,097 came from abroad (14,253 in 2023), which is a total of 18,401 new arrivals. Conversely, 8,885 of the city's residents moved to another Luxembourg municipality (8,522 in 2023) and 5,503 moved abroad. This brings the total number of people who left the city to 14,388.
- 2,969 people were removed ex officio from the population register (compared to 3,035 in 2023).
Our website also contains a range of facts and figures about Luxembourg City's territory, distances to cities in neighbouring countries, municipal staff, and much more.
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