Sports and leisure
Image de deux enfants sur leur vélos en train d'entamer un parcours à l'intérieur du Schluechthaus

Ever since its creation in 1988, the association ProVelo.lu (formerly known as Lëtzebuerger Vëlos Initiativ) has been committed to promoting the coexistence of and mutual respect among all road users, while at the same time supporting policies that encourages soft and active mobility, thus helping to create a more sustainable and greener society.

To that end, ProVelo.lu has been running bike training courses since 2009, thanks to the City of Luxembourg's financial support. In 2024, the Oeuvre Nationale provided ProVelo.lu with funding to purchase new equipment. The courses are designed to meet the growing demand for bike training, while at the same time promoting cycling as a form of transport.

The sessions are held outdoors in a safe area in Luxembourg City and are based on a programme that incorporates elements of psychology, teaching techniques and sports science. They are aimed at children and adults who have never learned to ride a bike or who are looking for a refresher course.

The bike training initiative is an integral part of the City of Luxembourg's active travel and cycling policy, which is structured around four pillars: infrastructure, a broad range of bike-related services, a public relations campaign, and the creation of a monitoring entity. This initiative also helps to improve cyclist safety in urban environments.

2025 bike training dates 

  • Course 1: 9 April to 18 April 2025
  • Course 2: 14 May to 23 May 2025
  • Course 3: 30 June to 9 July 2025

Practical information

  • Sessions are taught in English, French, German and Luxembourgish
  • Price: €100 per person
  • The sessions are held from 18:00 to 20:00.
  • No sessions on weekends
  • Venue: Cycles Arnold Kontz at 182, route de Thionville, Bonnevoie

Further information and registration

ProVelo.lu a.s.b.l.
6, rue Vauban, L-2663 Luxembourg
Tel.: (+352) 43 90 30 29
E-mail: veloschoul@provelo.lu
