Politics, policy and administration
Image des responsables politiques en train de signer le contrat ensemble avec Madame Marie-Josée Jacobs de la Caritas

On Tuesday, 1 October 2024, the City of Luxembourg's College of Aldermen signed new agreements with the non-profit "HUT – Hëllef um Terrain" (Help on the Ground), further to the mutual termination of the City's agreements with Fondation Caritas and Caritas Accueil et solidarité. The new agreements are effective from 30 September 2024.

The agreements were signed in the presence of Luxembourg City Mayor Lydie Polfer, alderwoman for social affairs Corinne Cahen, alderman for finance Laurent Mosar, Caritas Chair Marie-Josée Jacobs, and Christian Billon, founding member of "Hut – Hëllef um Terrain".

In signing the agreement with HUT, the City has confirmed its intention to ensure the long-term continuity of the aid services it provides to the most disadvantaged.