Sports and leisure
piano décoré devant le Palais Grand-Ducal

As part of its My Urban Piano project, the City of Luxembourg set up 19 pianos all across the city, in parks, popular thoroughfares and various tourist spots across the city to encourage locals and visitors – be they beginners or seasoned virtuosos – to play and enjoy spontaneous micro-concerts. Each of these pianos has been decorated by local associations, artists or educational organisations, and constitutes a work of art in itself.

As part of the project, the City launched a competition to reward the most original videos of a mini concert or an event involving the pianos. On 17 July 2024, the college of the mayor and aldermen presented the winners with their prizes: vouchers worth €150, €250 and €500.


"Musical performance" category

  1. Yeona Koor
  2. Eleonora et Louis Gautier Bernardin
  3. Nicolas Orrico

"Original video showcasing the piano" category

  1. Pit Fischer
  2. Tim De Buyser et Eliska Cerna
  3. Xuchen Zhang

Special award: Yining Shan

Plans to repeat the project

My Urban Piano Luxembourg is an interactive event that takes place every year and is modelled on other annual public piano projects staged in capital cities around the world. In addition to the spontaneous mini-performances by amateur musicians, the City will be hosting an eclectic programme of concerts by professional virtuosos.

In light of the resounding success of this project, the City of Luxembourg has decided to repeat the initiative in 2024.