Politics, policy and administration
Image d'une grue

Due to the transport and assembly of structural elements for the bridge linking Rue St Ulric and Bisserweg, roadworks will be carried out from 6:00 on Saturday, 22 February to 6:00 on Monday, 24 February 2025.

Throughout these roadworks, the following traffic changes will apply:

  • Rue de Trèves will be closed to all traffic except cyclists between Rue Munster and Rue de la Tour Jacob;
  • Rue Munster will be closed to all through traffic except cyclists;
  • Rue de Prague will be closed to all through traffic except cyclists;
  • Rue Saint Quirin will be closed to all through traffic except cyclists;
  • Rue Saint Ulric will be closed to all through traffic except cyclists;
  • Bisserweg will be closed to all through traffic except cyclists;
  • Rue Plaetis will be closed to all through traffic except cyclists;
  • Rue Sosthène Weis will be closed to all traffic except cyclists between Rue Munster and Rue du Fort Olisy.

Please also note that in both directions, AVL line 23 buses will be rerouted via Boulevard d'Avranches, Val de Hamm and Rue de Trèves. The "Stadgronn, Bréck" stop will be closed and replaced by the "Rumm" stop.

The City wishes to thank residents and road users for their understanding and regrets any inconvenience caused.